Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?

Showing 37 responses by geoffkait

First climber: Wow! What a fabulous view! So this is what it looks like from the top of the world! 

Second climber: Relax, Jack, we’re only at Base Camp.
For the record of course as OP well knows, I am not an “anti tweaker.”

“I’m not a crook.” 🤥
You can explain it. You just can’t spell it. I have a funny feeling you can explain adult diapers, too. 
Maybe the carpathian or oregonpapa can explain why they call it a tutu and not a oneone. I suspect they probably have the most experience trying on their mother’s tutus. I have practically no experience.
OK, class, why do they call it a scissor kick? There are two legs. They should call it a scissors kick.
It takes two scissors to make one pair of scissors. Each half is one scissor. And it takes two pants to make one pair of pants. Each leg is one pant. That’s why they call it a pant leg.
Uber, the grammatically correct way to write that is, you pair has some serious issues. Pair is singular. Oh, and thanks for the free psychoanalysis! 🤡
Am I wrong? But it appears that states are willing to sacrifice a great many people to save the economy, such as it was. This is reminiscent of the Incas or whoever sacrificing people to save their crops.
Uh, excuse me?

This just in,

New Jersey reports highest single-day death toll - with parks, golf courses set to reopen Saturday

I’m embarrassed for you, glumpy. Can I suggest a psychiatrist? Maybe for $200 an hour someone will listen to you.
Can I suggest a long cold shower, gloopy? If that doesn’t work see your doctor.
What is happening is that in the beginning it was almost all New York for cases and deaths. Now that New York is settling down and cases and deaths are going down all the places that used to have very low numbers are now blooming in cases and deaths, like roses in the spring 🌹🌹🌹Instead of only one epicenter we now have a whole bunch of epicenters. So, it is unlikely the numbers in the US will be going down any time real soon. This situation is developing without any opening up. 
Am I sensing a third spike coming today? What a revolting development! And 4 more hours to go. Come on, guys, get it together!
We don’t like vendettas. Take your vendetta outside. We wish not to get another thread deleted because of some foolishness. Run around the block. Do some yoga. Try not to hyperventilate.  😤
Relax. You made your point about hydroxycholoquine already. You can start a separate thread. No?
That’s old gnus 🐃 🐃 my friend. Gilead’s Remdesivir has 100% chance of helping patients with COVID-19. Didn’t you get the memo? It was approved by FDA yesterday Hel-loo! Why take chances? Get with the program. Besides a large randomized study has not (rpt not) been done for hydroxychloroquine.

Which one would you ask the nurses for?
Sweden’s “herd immunity” experiment doesn’t seem to be going too well. One on, guys! Time to lock em down.
Uh, guys, we’re going in the wrong direction. We’re supposed to be going down ⬇️. Hel-loo! Come on guys!
What is this, the Frick and Frack Show? Has anyone ever considered an upper limit for voting age? 😬
It wasn’t McDonald’s secret sauce, either. Nobody knows what the heck they are. 
Uh, I think we already know what’s in it without having to analyze it. Hel-loo!