Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?

Showing 17 responses by djones51

Disagreement seems to be tolerated over the top shilling questionable quackery not so much.
Western KY is a hot spot. There is a number here in KY to call to report violatiors of the Executive Order. They  have posted 24 hour deputies at houses of people who wouldn't quarantine, used ankle bracelets as well. You want to move here, that's fine but we have rules as well. 
There was a religious revival in early  March it spread from there. People also were going to TN where they didn't close things as quick as we did before the governor ordered people doing that to self quarantine. TN talking about opening up and it's getting them worried about the border areas down there again.
Yep, tyranny of the experts, those crazy whackos are trying to keep us alive. I think they're wasting their time. 
No, birds are just smarter they use nicotine to repel mites we use it to kill ourselves. 
Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'

I guess a snowflake didn't like my last post.
I watched dear leader turn to Dr Brix and ask if maybe they could look into injecting disinfectant or getting UV light inside people. I don't  need talking heads to interpret what I see. So what are the ODDS you're giving?
I never mention you by name. I simply pointed out the utter hypocrisy and wonderful irony of a certain
" pastor", and the term is used lightly.
A link to a comedian must be the end of the world. No need to whine about it, the moderators do what they do.
The AAPS is an ultra conservative group that believes vaccines cause autism and abortion causes breast cancer. 
I don't think we've seen the last of spikes. The more places start opening the worse it will get if we don't practice sensible recommendations. 

I guess someone didn't like a reasonable approach.
I wonder if there are any components like an amplifier or speakers in these awesome systems or is it just paste and mats ?