Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’

Having been a music lover and audio enthusiast for more decades than I care to admit to I’ve had the privilege of owning some tremendous components over those years and thought I had attained a level of musical enjoyment that would be difficult to improve upon without spending more money than I could afford. Then along came The Gate to turn my audio conceptions on end. 

While I was quite skeptical of all of the positive proclamations regarding the Perfect Path mats, cards and contact enhancer ( how could they possibly bring about such sonic improvements?) I took the plunge and purchased a nano bundle to see what the hubbub was all about. Much to my surprise they not only brought about improvements to my systems’ ability to recreate a more musical sound but did so in spades. 

When Tim of Perfect Path Technologies asked if I wanted to try his new product, The Gate, I jumped at the chance thinking it would be a nice addition to what the other products provided. I wasn’t prepared for the quantum leap The Gate brought to my music listening pleasure. As much as the other products brought about a much lower noise floor, greater detail and delicacy, improved dynamics, richer tone and more realism The Gate does so in magnitudes difficult to describe. The best way I can describe its affect is unreal purity leading the most realistic musical sound I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing.....outside of a live performance obviously. It has me listening to all of my CD’s as if for the first time again.

I have no idea how The Gate actually works or what it does I just know it’s the most dramatic tweak to my system I’ve ever experienced and I wouldn’t think of being without it. As to how it’s implemented, it’s installed in the electrical panel with one lead connected to the common buss and the other to a breaker ( preferably 220). Hope I got the terminology correct.....I’m far from being an electrician!

At $4,999.00 it’s not cheap but worth every penny to me as I’ve spent more on components with less sonic improvement. 

Lastly, I realize some will scoff at something they can’t understand and I get not understanding it as I don’t, but I would hope people could keep their skepticism healthy and civil. I am not here to promote or sell, nor do I have any affiliation with PPT. I am only sharing something that I’ve found to be transforming in my system. Sorry for the lengthy introduction.

Showing 50 responses by uberwaltz

My apologies indeed.

After reading again, yes I can see how you intended it to come across.

GK can confuse the issue on any thread.

Hard to get this thread back on track which is The Gate.

All I can say is you would have to pry mine from my cold dead fingers before I gave it up from my system.

I have NO other power conditioning of any kind bar the Gate now.
And the noise floor is LOW......
Nothing turning on like the ac or fridge makes the slightest blip in the music.
And it certainly used to until I purchased an Equicore 1800 which fixed those issues.
However once I installed the Gate I felt the Equicore was now having a slight negative impact so I removed it and have flown with just the Gate ever since.
But will mommy let you out of her basement yet GK?
Inquiring minds need to know!

Even I find that pretty callous lalitk.

I am sure Krissy is having a hard enough time of it without you belittling her sweet and appreciated comments!

Really GK?
That the best you got today?

Welcome to the all new " Miscreants Anonymous"!
Go ahead, Uber, talk about the Gate. Nobody’s stopping you
What more needs to be said GK?
I fail to see what interest it is to yourself as by your own admittance you are "off the grid".

But regardless I am pretty sure those of us who own one have already said their piece here and elsewhere already.

My comment was more aimed at the general populance who may find it refreshing to actually discuss the subject matter rather than mindless bickering.

Maybe they should rename the misc audio section to something more appropriate for the present climate on majority of threads that appear in it.
Does all this talk have anything to do with the GATE?!! Poor Krissy
Absolutely nothing from what I can tell.
And my sentiments exactly.....
There is a reference to it on this page by myself maybe 12 posts up or thereabouts.
Tbh I have not kept track but it had been mentioned previously I am fairly sure.
But regardless yes it is sad and unfair at such a stage in his life.
Walk tall and be proud Krissy.
Tim will be missed by many, even those who did not know him well.
Frank posted very recently that Tim has passed away.
This seems to have been overlooked by everyone?
Come again?
Numerous posts to that effect in this very thread AND......

Actually Miller,  Frank made that statement not atdavid.

But I get the sentiment.

Methinks someone needs a hug........
I don't know you and tbh do not care to.
Obviously you are free to post as you see fit as long as it follows forum rules but....

Maybe a little more respect for the recently departed would aid your credibility?

Just saying......
Must have hit a nerve or two ... LMFAO.

Pretty pathetic when people resort to flagging posts that contain nothing but the truth and do NOT violate any forum rules.

Have at it children......
I tried to call the company to get more information about this product, but every time I called, Joel Epstein answered.

What the heck is that supposed to mean?
There are most definitely some pretty callous types around this neck of the woods!

Thank you, Tim was always such a good sport and a great laugh was had by all whenever we talked.
Glad he enjoyed my off beat humour!
Please know we all are here for you at any time.

Maybe it's time to just give it a rest?
What’s next, you need a licensed electrician to supervise changing a fuse? I removed the magnetic steel panel door of my circuit breaker box. Was that wrong of me? Am I in deep kim chi with the Law? Will there be some serious jail time involved?

Off with that mans head!
On another aspect is it just me or?
I do not see the Stop Its listed on the website?
Probably best if you broach that subject with Tim directly GK don't you think...…..

Holy Moly!.

I truly am gobsmacked that fsonicsmith would have the nerve to post such a load of bilge with ZERO evidence.

I can personally vouch for Tim being one of the most standup HONEST human being I have ever dealt with. And Tim knows exactly what i mean by that .

Bordering on slander and if not then certainly insanity!

I am not sure anybody took any issue with Noromance posts here?

Actually they should be commended for at least taking the time and effort to research further instead of just mindless babble.

A question for their any component inside that is subject to failure with a surge or a lightening strike?
 That is actually an excellent question.

Hopefully Tim will chime in with an answer.
Well documented issue that has been extant for over a week unfortunately.

Couple threads on it and Audiogon well aware but seem incapable of resolving.
Very dissapointed tbh.
Just as a fyi.

I am happy with The Gate and it matters not a jot to myself if you consider my purchase or usage of such misguided and I'll conceived.

It's my system, my ears and my money.

But I do think you may be missing out on something good but hey what do I know, just an ol fart here!
Obviously I have no problem with spirited intellectual debate but I have seen very little evidence of that so far.

Yes some of the positives can be construed as a bit overblown but until you try you will never know what truth there is to it.

The negatives consisting of statement along lines of it may just be a $50 part is also extreme and very unlikely.

But sure why does someone not go ahead and buy the Russian Vostock, install and report back, then at least we have some reference and not just idle thoughts.

Did I say I was referring to you specifically?

I think not...

BUT again I will say everyone is entitled to their opinions and this is a free posting forum but if all anybody is intending to do is say things like it's scam or rip off WITHOUT any actual facts to back it up then my point stands.

It is is insulting and offensive to both those who have taken the plunge and more importantly the manufacturer.
Very simple
If you think at 5k it is too expensive then do not buy/try it.
BUT do NOT then come here claiming PPT are a rip off or  scam artist company when you do not have the BALLS to step up and try yourself and think EVERYBODY else here who has is an idiot.
That is deeply insulting and demeaning

Pretty sure Frank,s post may have contained just a hint of sarcasm.......


If I were you I would directly message Tim and see what his thoughts are.
He is so easy to work with and I am sure he would be able to suggest the best solution for your situation
Tried to tell the better half how much I saved her as we do not need a new TV now, or fridge etc.

All I got was evil eye for my trouble.....

Terrible pun time...….

The difference is night and day with The Gate installed...….

Not had it in system 30 days yet but I can say there is no difference between night and day performance in my system.

My experience may have been a little different to others as I heard a huge improvement right after install.

Akin to adding NOS to an already blown motor!

Since then it has been gradual, subtle changes, not anything I would say was another "wow" event.

Let's just say it will not be going back....
I do not disagree on the Gate working well and in conjunction with other PPT products at all.
I have mats, cards and tc paste as well.
It was just the additional non PPT power conditioning that appeared to have a slight smearing of details compared to just the Gate.

I have no idea just how it works and do not care.

And if any smarmy pants think it is an overpriced piece I have just one comment.
Go and design your own and bring it to market AND offer a 90 day return policy .
Less talk and more walk......
Conversing with Tim this morning who wanted to know how I had my Gate installed.

He advised that it should give best results with the label or wording facing the bussbar or breakers.

Mine is mounted high in the box to the right and vertical which was perfect he said apart from label was facing out.
All I did was rotate it in place so label facing the breakers.

I do have pictures of before and after but have never figured out how to add any to conversations here! I do not use any photo hosting services or any social media crap and likely never will!
This forum is bad enough... lmao.

Just passing this along in case it may be of use to others with The Gate.

Time for another listening session.

Is that the best you have to offer?

Trolling two PPT threads with the same "snake oil"chant.

Very imaginative indeed.

Thanks Frank

I have not got round to total disconnect on the sub yet but I have turned the output down considerably.

Still early days.....

And they say these forums are too serious!

Can you expound on the change in position of the Gate in your panel to a more optimal position?
I fear mine is less than optimal simply because it is a very old panel and there was no room for the Gate at the bottom.
In fact it is near the top, pretty close to the incoming mains lines.
Thank you
Jafreeman, Mac.

Unfortunately the "fan" is female, which should give the game

Think someone must have spiked her cocoa last night......

Not sure if I can heap any platitudes on the Gate this morning now, someone may call the health department on me.

But here goes, mostly an all day listening session on and off yesterday and boy was it good.
Tried various media, tape, vinyl. cd and streaming.

Bass has returned in spades, still the vocal clarity and range is breathtaking, hearing notes and effects in songs I had never noticed before which I think has to be just the lower noise floor, always there just never could hear them previously.

And yes I am for the most part listening to music at a higher SPL than previous without feeling there is any degradation or breaking down of the musical force for want of better words.

A very happy camper indeed.
From a "fan".....

9:44pmALL the people who are hooked on whatever they fed you or planted in your mind from PPT, (more like drug addicts or newly converted religious fanatics.. than audiophiles btw. can stay the hell away from me. There is no ’natural’ response in any of the praise comments, or the strange need for others to join them. So it seems more like a ’cult’ than a product. I find the behavior of way too many of the cult followers to be just like Scientology followers, and seem to be playing fro the same handbook.    
You all act like you are in love, or like you were hit with "Love Potion #9"    
If it entirely disgusting behavior, and bizarrely repugnant. And gee I really really mean it. So stay the hell away from me with that garbage. Spew it at somebody stupid.

Bizarre or what!

Good to know I am on the right track. Yes it is time to leave mats and cards alone again and let them settle.

Skullcap? The mind boggles.
Maybe that is how Tim is coming up with these great ideas and products!
He already has his version of a head spinitron!
Last night I put all emats and ecards back to their prior position before retiring for the night.

Played some music this morning and it was already sounding better so the emats at the breaker box definitely appears to compliment the Gate actions or works well in conjunction, take your pick.

So next up I removed my Equicore 1800 and replaced with the Hot rodded Belkin 10 outlet power box.

I honestly feel this is not only no worse but if anything a slight improvement in transparency and speed with possibly a very slight loss in bass.

This makes me think the Equicore was stifling some of the life from the music, loss of detail and some smearing which also can make you feel you have a little more bottom end.

Tbh it may have been ever so slightly bass heavy so it is NO loss at all in reality and a trade I am happy to make for now.

Be interesting to see how it progresses as all the mats/ cards settle again.
Well that was a surprise... Of sorts.

Been away 4 days and sat down tonight with great expectations.

But, sort of flatter,not as much sparkle as I remember.

I guess that answers that experiment.

I had spoken with Tim if he thought with The Gate in the breaker panel if emats were now needed in the panel door. Try it without he said, be interesting.

Well I think I can say it was a negative move so the emats will go back in the breaker panel door tomorrow.

Anybody else tried that?
After looking around I decided I could not build my own power center box for the price I could buy the bare bones of one for.
So to that end I bought a Belkin 9100 10 outlet box.
Nice metal case and decent outlets.
Comes with a 14ft cord and on/off switch and circuit breaker.

Plan is to junk the cord, switch and breaker. Rewire all outlets internal with silver wire , treat everything with tc paste and add a 8/3 6 foot cord.

Cost of those mods will be zilch as I have more cable than I know what to do with.

Cost of the Belkin was $26.94 free shipping from Amazon.

Like I said, could not build it for that....