Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Showing 50 responses by mrs_ppt

 Hey lak, 
Please call Timmy.
Your questions will be addressed directly. <3
603-203-4486 <3 Krissy
Good morning music lovers! My name is Krissy, I am Timmy's Mrock's wife. He mentioned the thread was a little slow this morning,  and what a great time to sign up. Between building the website and working on the Alpha's been non stop for Tim! I want to thank everyone for believing in him and supporting these ground-breaking products.  This is a passion project for Tim, and we are both elated by it's remarkable growth.  Thank you. <3 K~
@zermatt Good evening.  I have read your post to Tim. He suggested calling him to discuss your system and how Perfect Path can assist you.  Thanks! K~
 Good morning! Hiya everyone. :) Thanks for the welcome! @zermatt Timmy loves to talk to hi-fi folks on the phone! However, "Happy life, Happy wife," and all that...AC is a must.  At least in this tiny corner of humid New Hampshire.

We both enjoy reading these threads;  and all the independent reviews are pragmatic and sincere.  There is so much more to come! Thank you all.  ~Krissy
Hi Steve. Tim said that the thickness has nothing to do with effectiveness....however, you can double and triple them to very interesting effect. When stacking, it is best if the two magnet surfaces are touching each other, both label sides out.  You must try a mat in your car! Krissy
It was so nice to speak with you the other day, Frank. Glad to hear your voice. Timmy and I often play a game in the music room...put on a CD that you know very, very well....and listen for anything different.  Rock, jazz, even opera....we are on the floor in amazement! We look at each other, and say there's EVEN MORE information!  Oh, and yes. The Alpha cards are coming right along.... he's super pleased and the latest batch are with quality control right now being tested. Should be just a bit longer, thank you all for your patience. Lastly, shipping.  Sometimes Priority USPS shipping can take 7-10 days, and sometimes it can take 24-48 hours.  <3  All packages are normally shipped day of purchase, by me. <3 Any issues? Please contact me! ~  Krissy
Good morning! Okay.... so here's the webpage. Thank you, Tom  <3 Our web master was busy last night. lol.

I have four mats in my car, one under each floor mat. A neighbor commented that it sounded like I had an entire orchestra in my sports coupe. It's a 2012 Scion TC, stock Pioneer stereo w. 8 speakers. I'll sound like a broken record if I try to describe it... but here goes.... the clarity, depth of sound and energy are similar to the sound room. Intense!  Super sweet highs, massive mid range and explosive bass. <3 My rolling sound room <3  Purchase a mat for your wife's car!  She won't be disappointed. I love you, Timmy <3 Krissy~ 

I'm not exactly sure.... but  are you trying to get me to step into a MINEFIELD? LOL <3 
Hi fleschler. I put them under the floor mats;  basically out of sight out of mind. The mat generates a GIANT field, it spreads way beyond the dimensions of the physical object.  Timmy laughs at naysayers, @jetter because I was once the biggest one of all. LOL. <3  <3 Hearing is believing. <3 <3
<3 Good morning. I think I can answer that. The Alpha cards were designed specifically for mobile phones.  It slides in right behind the protective case.

I currently have one in my iPhone 6.  The card has turned me into a Candy Crush monster! Charging times are faster....the Ebay app, in fact all apps are much much much faster.  The phone runs cooler....

The headphone people will love them as much as I do! ( Walkman's too, Geoffkait.) The first of it's kind! Other people have mentioned placing the Alpha....virtually any place you can put an E-mat.

Remember, the card is NOT a magnet,  but it's also not as a powerful as an Omega E mat.  Available soon..... should be great fun! <3 Krissy
Hey Bill.... Tim knows everyone who bought a mat.... Just curious.....when did you purchase one? Thanks. Krissy
You will get the full effect  3 full weeks  AFTER it's in place. You have not given this mat enough time at ANY location.  It must be left alone, Bill, or you won't hear the magic!   Poor little emat, being neglected  and shipped across the country.  Patience, Grasshopper.  lol <3
<3 <3 Good morning.  38 Omega mats and 36 e-cards in the sound room, he just counted.  It's beyond belief! So natural. <3 He didn't stop because of sound degradation. The most we have stacked is 6 under each monoblock. <3 And 10 of the future room treatments :) Curious about when 38 stops improving!  Testing sounds fantastic! I love the bass you can feel with your whole body.  And deep melodic rhythm.  Was Neil Peart in the room with us this morning, Timmy?  <3 Love, Me.
Good morning <3 Without the TC being in the freezer, it still has a shelf life of years.... working on a tube approaching the 5 year mark and it's still fine. <3   Tim wants to get to know all his's the best part of this gig. <3 Please call with any questions you have. <3 603-203-4486. Have a great day, guys. <3 Krissy <3
You get 1.5 ml originally, <3 Should be plenty left to do a system <3 Have fun! <3 Krissy
<3 Hey guys. <3

Tim and I are totally humbled by your responses. We read these heart-felt comments and it makes Timmy want to work even harder. 

Enjoy the music!

Hey. Timmy said if the company has used red thread lock, it's heat only.... and it's high heat. Not positive, but I think it's 800+ degrees. A solder tip should do the trick, unless the screw is going through a PC board... but even then, you should be OK. Torch....NO-NO. 
Tamper-proof we've seen? One company will  strip out the hex. You have to drill  out the countersunk screw .... a countersink bit, drill press and a real soft touch. You should be able to do without marring the surrounding case. Call Timmy tomorrow, he'll explain in more detail. . . . Good night. Krissy and Tim
Hey.... I cheated and asked Timmy. He said wick a little bit of lubricant, either silicone, PB Blaster or WD just have to be careful because petroleum based lubricants will attack rubber and some plastics. With that said, lightly spray little short blasts, the cap head screw will suck it in a tiny bit. Let it sit for one to two days, and it should break away, no problem-o. <3 Krissy & Timmy

<3 Good Afternoon. <3 The Alpha E Cards are finally for sale! <3 Hope you all will try some.  Best, Krissy

Funny, this new generation of kids... that’s ALL they listen to. Longer run time, better reception. Top to bottom, APPS are instant. No one has ever offered an upgrade quite like this
for an Iphone. Why wouldn’t you try it? It’s a big deal. <3 Krissy
Hey Kevin, A lot of guys have video called Timmy.... then he can talk you right through pasting your  equipment. <3 Glad you are finally trying it! <3 You will be thrilled! <3 Enjoy. Krissy.
Hey t-ramey, I wouldn't waste the TC on an Ecard, it's two different things. 
We recently pulled the mc-05's out of  our main system.
We were horrified at the results.
The magnets effected the sound for the WORSE (major compression) and did bizarre stuff to our gear. Made his class D sub amps abnormally hot, even at idle~~~he's got  a sophisticated safety diagnostic in his amps, and it wrecked havoc with it....tons more problems.....  Much better without. And Yes, Timmy approved this message. LOL. <3
<3 Krissy
I'm not sure why it effected class D sub amps, our monos are bridged via floating. There was some strange interaction with that, FOR SURE.

Dr. Gaw is a truly lovely man, and is currently enjoying Timmy's product line through out his system.  Gotta get him some Alpha cards. <3 <3

:) @t_ramey   ..... Tim DID NOT WANT TO PULL out the magnets, he believed they worked. I twisted his arm. LOL. After viewing the Youtube video of how the magnets work..... (compressing waves) it made total sense. He held his breath and pulled them out. WE WERE AMAZED. You must try!
Good afternoon! <3 The main system is eight days magnet free today. <3 WOWSERS  <3 The music is so pure and full of life. Hard to believe it could get any clearer~ did the noise floor drop again? Special thanks to the audiophile who inspired Tim to place 10 mats under each component. I might need a few more for my car. lol. <3 We love reading your experiences with these products. <3 Enjoy the music. <3 Krissy <3
<3 Hey there! Timmy stepped out today for a fun project he's been working on. . . try calling him again, he should be back home.  He always makes time for customers. It's the best part!  <3 603-203-4486. <3 <3 Peter Murphy came ALIVE last night, almost spooky. <3 SO real. <3 Thanks to everyone for your patience while we grow!  <3 Krissy
Hi there. Consulted with Tim on this one.... he really can't advise using the provided brush on the tiny pins of HDMI connection. No offense, of course. <3 Hey, maybe I don't have your neurosurgeon skills with the brush..... but for the sake of the Jackson Pollock painters out there, Tim advises against it. <3 Kind regards, Krissy 
@geoffkait Good morning. <3 Nothing has to be on in order to achieve the Perfect Path effect. Just place under the component and let it simmer. <3 Now, please answer my question: What is the ebay seller's name you purchase your coffee from? I've forgotten. <3 Best regards , Krissy 
Hey Steve, I don’t think it matters much, and neither does Timmy. We’ve been really busy ~~ we’ve recently added 10 under each component. <3 <3 30 on a large voltage regulator, 10 under the CD player, 10 under each sub ~~and 10 on each speaker. <3 <3 ~~ 10 on my Italian race car amps. ~~ A total of 100 mats. <3 <3 It’s the most real experience in electronic sound! A huge increase in dynamic range and weight. Incredible rise in space and air/detail. <3 <3 Given what one can spend on power cords, it’s a bargain. The bass is super super detailed. ~~Skull shaker.~~<3 <3 The poor neighbor. lol. <3 <3 You have to try these products!! Many thanks to those who have. Enjoy. <3 <3 Krissy
Good morning. <3 Heya, Frank. <3 Sent you out a care package yesterday morning. <3 Today we brace for the first snow storm of the season. <3  Sending prayers and healing thoughts to you, my friend. <3
Krissy <3
Thanks, Kevin. <3 Timmy spent the past few days in his man-cave/laboratory, preparing for production expansion. 6" of fluffy white stuff fell today (cue sad trombone). It’s supposed to be the coldest Thanksgiving in over 100 years. <3 Seasons change with the scenery ~~Weaving time in a tapestry lol <3 Best, Krissy
<3 I am the alpha beta tester of Timmy’s latest creation <3 He has to preview what I write, for disclosure’s sake. <3 Loose lips sink ships. <3 LOL :P
It’s an interesting concept, an active/passive line conditioner. It’s the ultimate in AC power conditioning. Mounts inside the panel. Weighs 10 lbs. Compact and dense. Your wife can drop it on the floor and not break it. HAHA. Seriously, that’s the best kind of any tweak. lol <3 He will laugh when he sees this post. <3

THE SONIC EFFECT? 2-3 hundred mats in your panel (if you could do it). NOT KIDDING. Off the charts. HUGE dynamic range, details in the bass previously unheard. I call it a "force field" in the sound room..... the music is powerful and inviting and emotional. It ’s comparable to warp drive on the Enterprise. It will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF.
Even the most radically "harsh" recordings in our collection are smooth and enjoyable. I do love the Beatles but Yellow Submarine specifically was OUCH ville. Last night, ( night #2 of his new product plugged in) and honestly, it sounded like the stereo system was gone and it was a Fab Four concert just for us.Timmy was reluctant to try this product in our personal system. Seemed inconceivable that we could get improvement. I win. LOL. I can’t wait until I can tell y’all more details. AND if he’s got a waiting list? Get on it. <3 <3 <3 <3 OOOOhhhh. <3 <3 It’s Friday I’m in Love <3 <3 <3 DING. It’s Timmy approved. <3 TYVM. <3
Price is To Be Determined. I do know that a large amount of time went into the original prototype; and he's since found a ton of ways to cut down that time. Have you met Timmy? He's a creative madman.... with inspiration in his heart, music in his soul and a sounding board like you guys. How sweet is that?  A dream come true. <3 He's been at this for almost 20 years, freezing my soft skinned fruit. DAMN IT, AGAIN.  <3 LOL <3 Call him, 603-203-4486. He lives for this stuff. It's Phil Lesh time, fellas. Happy Saturday. <3 <3 <3
@hifiman5 . Hi Phil, It's roughly 2.5-3" wide 2" thick and 9-10" in width. The neat thing about it is, you take the panel face off, and the brick rests in the bottom of the panel. It has two leads, you trim to fit. One either goes into an existing breaker, or you can buy a dedicated breaker. Trim to length. Insert into breaker, the next line goes into the common. Switch the breaker on. Put the door back on and you are done.  Plugged into.... the panel. <3 LOL <3 <3
Heya Phil I forgot one thing~ The creation does have a name. <3 It's called "The Gate." He's been mumbling that AC line conditioning should be heard and not seen. lol. <3 Ohh, and you made reference to 100 mats, it's more than that. <3 WAY more than that. <3 :) It's like a Perfect Path sonic tsunami once that breaker is flipped. Day 3 in this house. Zucchini and green beans have frozen since yesterday. lol. I've almost run out of dial on the fridge.  And now..... it's Indie Rock time. <3 <3
@geoffkait  Tim has nicknamed you "ABB" Audio Ball Buster.  LOL. You are hilarious. <3 Thank God this isn't a fuse thread. LOL. <3

Hey Frank~ it's always good to talk to you. <3

@fleschler  When a power conditioner was released this year, with a retail price OVER 50K~ Timmy decided to create a final solution for all ~ AT AN AFFORDABLE price.  It will NEVER need upgrading or go obsolete. :) <3 Lastly,  the Gate is part of the Perfect Path system. If you want the absolute sound, you need all the working parts.  <3

Breakfast with Devo? Oh Timmy, you are too much! <3 LOL <3
My apologies, fellas. <3 This is Timmy's gig, i'm just so grateful for the seriously low electric bill and the incredible daily Dead concerts. lol. I've deleted my posts. <3 So sorry. <3 He's laughing at me and my big mouth. <3 LOL. <3 You otta try living with me. HAHAHA. <3

<3 Happy New Year, Audiophiles! <3

One month into our ~Gate project~ and I’m happy to report back. <3
Frank and others have mentioned the list of effects from Tim’s products on their audio systems. The "Perfect Path effect" appears to be GREATLY amplified with this device. ~ <3 Large and impressive presence,..... sense of "air" and clarity, <3 Huge volume with no additional physical increase, <3 bass- Driving and intense. <3 I like it that way LOL <3 ~ <3 Each note <3 floating and delicate <3 The fade-outs are incredible. Possibly my new favorite thing. <3 <3 So long and revealing, it’s like getting to know your favorite songs all over again. <3 The live concerts that are almost as fun as the real thing. <3 <3
Some interesting stuff happened that goes along with the Gate.... having to turn down the refrigerator last week.... some produce froze, (again). There was a dip in the electric bill~~ and an increased clarity and color saturation on the boob-tube.

This device is intense and will change how your system sounds. You must try it. <3 <3

<3 January 2019 marks the one year anniversary of Perfect Path Technologies. <3 Tim and I want to thank you all for your support and interest. <3 2019 is going to be incredible. Stay tuned, music lovers <3 XOXO Krissy <3 <3
@tuffy72561 Timmy has just the thing in mind for you. I can’t really spill the beans..... but it’s coming first part of 2019. <3 What are you, a mind reader? LOL. <3 If you own a voltage regulator or a power conditioner, you’ll love this release. . . .to be continued.
<3  <3

@geoffkait Timmy and I both agree.... you have a short amount of time (an hour give or take) to work in. <3 You should LOVE the contact enhancer on the terminals. <3 <3 You will hear significant improvement. <3 He’s been patiently waiting for you to try this for a year, you know. <3 LOL <3

<3 XOXO Krissy

<3 My turn <3 LOL <3
When all of the wall sockets are painted, it’s more of the same "Perfect Path Effect". <3 <3 Tim the madman painted ours a few years ago. The product is winning, we are worn out trying to find the saturation point. <3 <3 <3 AHAHAHA.

PAINTING TUBES. I have a great tweak to try. <3 Ready? <3 LOL
Well over a year ago, Tim tried pasting tubes. Turns out, there is another facet to the painted tube tweak. Once the coating has dried, you go back and take a small gauge like 28 gauge~~ silver wire. So put fresh TC on the little nipple and tightly wrap the silver wire on the nipple. Go to the next with the wire. TC, wrap it tight. REPEAT AS NEEDED. Dig me? Then go into the ground on the chassis power inlet and tie that wire to ground. Whatever you have now..... IT’S DOUBLE THE EFFECT. For real. NUTTY. Super duper wild! <3

<3 ::::: Aesthetically, it may not work for you...... for tubes that are visible. Especially if you are picky like me. <3 lol <3 <3 For anything under a lid? You must try. <3

There are seriously awesome things happening at Perfect Path. Just have to zip my lip for a little while longer. I can’t wait to share it with you!!! LOL! <3 Krissy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :) :) ;) >;) =^..^= YES~~~ APPROVED!!! WOOOOOOOOOT. <3 <3 <3 <3

<3 <3 ^^^^^  AHAHAHA. Fantastic! <3 LOL <3  

Make sure you've totally covered the outside of the tube AND it's dry. Then apply fresh, you are applying it to the TC shell you've encased on the tube. <3 <3 <3 

<3 Hey Frank, I'm the lucky one. <3 We are just two peas in one weird pod. <3 LOL <3 <3 Happy Friday! <3 

<3 Yes. It's a Facebook thing. <3 It turns them into actual floating hearts. Everything is said with love. <3 Indeed.  <3  Mémère used to say, "In a world where you can be kind." 

<3 Streaming?  I have a few Alpha Cards under my ROKU player. <3 I  <3 LOVE IT. <3  Less....nix that.....ZERO buffering.
It's a pretty big deal for us.... being we live in the sticks. <3 lol

 They also work well on the modem. <3 A noticeable difference. <3 I lined up 6 Ecards under my Mac Book Air. <3 It seems to run cooler and charge faster. <3 OH.  And the fan doesn't kick on so often  when I play Candy Crush. LOL. <3 Small but powerful. <3 

<3 An entertaining and highly intellectual group of fellas. <3 We love to read this thread. <3 Thanks so much!  <3 Krissy 

 Elizabeth, how come you refuse to let me send you two cards to try? Just curious.... <3 
Hey Mac48025,
 Timmy sometimes tells new customers to try the Ecards on  their crossovers;  it's a huge bang for the buck. <3  Report back what you think??? <3  Enjoy <3 Krissy <3

<3 Heya Guys! <3 

Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who called Timmy over the holiday weekend. <3  He loves to talk shop! <3 <3 

 I am pleased to announce the parts to Perfect Path's latest adventure "The Gate" have been shipped to New Hampshire!  We will be working through out February for it's release.  <3 <3  DATE PENDING!  <3 <3 Yippee! <3  This in-line power conditioner is a game changer! <3  You must hear this! <3 More info coming soon! <3 

@oregonpapa ,  <3 Frank <3  THREE more mats in my car. <3 I swear Mickey Hart was with me today on the ride to Market Basket. LOL. <3  

<3 Thanks so much! <3 Krissy <3 

@davidpritchard  My Honda Civic had a solid copper bus bar. Timmy was shocked with the quality of the fuse box. It was like a miniature home panel. They come completely apart.  He painted my fuse box with TC, so it'll be neat to see what a tiny Alpha card will do.  The newer Japanese cars are the same way, and are totally worth doing.

<3  <3  <3 Inside? I now have quite the collection of mats in my  Scion, and it's incredible. A rolling sound room. <3 LOL <3 <3 Enjoy! <3 Krissy 

My sweetheart,

Even if the sun refused to shine
Even if romance ran out of rhyme~~
You would still have my heart 
Until the end of time.

Happy birthday, Timmy <3 

<3 Love, Krissy <3