Percentage to spend on Amp and Speakers

If I spend 2000 for a decent set of speakers, what should I spend for an amp, cables?? Given a fixed budget what types of percentages should go to speakers, amps, cables, preamp. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by avguygeorge

Hey,the cart can go before the horse with the proper harness.As in front engine/ rear engine. Front wheel/ rear wheel drive. Trelja got THE smarts here: The right recipe,the potential up and down sides.I believe the speakers/in general should be driven by equiptment costing more. AS in more on the amp,more on the dig front end;my cabling cost more than my speakers.Not by much,as with the amp/not by much.I think in the past,I over bought on speakers,was un happy,and "knot" to smart.The speakers sounded ok till you heard better.I'm not to sure people buy "whole" systems,and live "happy-ever-after". Bose owners,excepted.This thing is ongoing.Everybody got dif.opinions and budgets;But all things being equal is where it's at fer'me.
No cliche works better. "The chain is only as strong as the weakest link". As in motorcycle chains,or your audio system. Wire is a link in more ways than the obvious one.