People That Have Upgraded From Harbeth 30.1s....

.... what speaker did you buy? 

Showing 3 responses by user140

YG Carmels sounds like Canton - great dynamics and control, metallic trebles and rather soulless. Totally opposite to H. So if you like yours why would you go THIS way..? I would suggest to try atc.
I have settled down with Harbeths. They don’t have the best dynamics and deepest bass, but overall they sound just right, musical and lovely. They don’t need great electronics too, sound good even on few hundreds $ amps. But if you pair them with something like pass labs - they will sing. I have had about two dozens of speakers from different manufactures and heard even more.
So why not SCM20 passive? They are great with powerful SS, ex. Mcintosh. Their whole Classic series is great.