Pentode Power Tubes - Ultralinear vs Triode

While I’ve seen a bunch of posts on power tube rolling, I haven’t seen much mention of how preferences correlate to what mode you run if your amp has that option. I have a Primaluna DPHP that has the Ultralinear/Triode mode remote and can run a bunch of EL34 variants up to KT150.
So far I’ve only tried the stock EL34 and Tung-Sol 7581A and seem to prefer Triode mode with both. Before coughing up for another set of 8 to try I’m doing more research. I think based on my preferences so far that the bigger, punchier tubes may not be the way for me to go. I could be destined to find my way into SET amps eventually.

So which tubes do you prefer in what mode of operation?

Showing 1 response by rodman99999

"FWIW if ultra-linear is set up correctly, the result should be a pentode or tetrode power tube operating with the same linearity as a triode but with about 90% of the power it could make as a pentode or tetrode."                                                                                                                                        Bless Blumlein, Hafler and Keroes's hearts!