Peachtree Nova500 impressions?

I normally in the past have not wanted an integrated because if the amp died then the music would stop but buddy talked me into buying a Nova500 which I didnt even know existed.

I see lots of nova300 videos but not really any of the nova500.
I am trying to reduce the numnber of amps to 1 instead of 3 and use this nova500.

it hasnt arrived yet.

Showing 1 response by bob-o

I traded in my Nova 150 for a Nova 500 back in June 2020, when they had one of their special sales where a Bluesound Node 2i was bundled with the Nova. At that time I was using a pair of Elac Debut 2.0 B6.2's and it was a pretty nice combination with either of the Nova's. My listening space is a small 13x11 spare bedroom so it doesn't take a lot of power to fill it.

Around December 2020, I received a pair of Tekton Design M-Lore's (95dB efficient) that I had ordered and those sound pretty good too. But...I kind of feel like I'm missing something and I'm not sure what that something is. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that overall, I liked the sound of my Elac's better, although the Tekton's do have more bass. Maybe what I'm hearing is kind of a sterile rather than warm sound. I do like the very black background and there is plenty of power to spare. 

I'm currently looking at class A/B integrated amps to replace my Nova 500 and I'm probably going to order something within the next week. On my list are the Audiolab 6000A, Leak 130 and a Burson Timekeeper 3i. Part of the reason for considering these is that they all have integrated Bluetooth connectivity which is something I want. I'm not liking my Node 2i so I'm going to sell that off and just use an onboard Bluetooth connection instead.  Even though these integrated amps have a lot less power than my Nova, the speakers are really efficient so they should do pretty well driving them.