Peachtree Nova 300

Interesting review.  Check out the video at the bottom.  Hilarious!  This reviewer calls it the best amp on the market.  While I like Peachtree, a lot actually and I feel their products punch above their weight for sure, this reviewer may only have limited experience and in a limited price range.

Showing 1 response by glockers

I have a Peachtree Nova 3oo which in itself is not the problem however the sound I get playing the same source - Qobuz - delivers remarkably different results between the following connections.

1. Sonos Connect with volume bypass via Audioquest Optical to Nova
2. Bluesound Node 2 via Audioquest Coax to Nova
3. iPhone via USB on Nova using bog standard Apple lightning to USB cable.

To my surprise 1 and 2 sound remarkably similar. But 3 outshines them both by a country mile. Much more detail and openness.

I am currently playing with Roon as the UI, and ideally would like to avoid having to plug my phone in to play music...

Any suggestions/ideas of what to tweak please?