Peachtree Audio 2.0

I've been listening to my Canadian made Peachtree Audio nova150 over the past few weeks and just can't believe how good it sounds for the money. So I wondered who else might have stumbled across this Canadian made wonder and have an opinion.  What do you think?
Unfortunately dealer is over a thousand miles away from me and all I can do is have them listen to that noise. They're not sure what's causing it and even said I'm the only customer so far that reported this kind of issue. I even called Peachtree support and tech mentioned "dolby pro processing" issue w/c further perplexed me. The thing is I have 2 older Marantz receiver SR9200 and SR4320 and I dont experienced this issues at all. Dont get me wrong I love the sound that I heard from Nova300, its definitely better than my two receivers and it also showed the real capability of my ATC and B&W speakers but that crackling noise really bugged the heck out of me.
I only have nova units for a week(at a time) and returned both of them. 
Obviously, any brand can have a quality defect, but I'm thinking that the statistical probability of getting back to back units with the exact same defect is probably pretty slim.  I think cusco69 is barking up the wrong tree with the "cheap parts" and "common issue" claims as well.  

My guess is that there's something else happening, but I'm just not experienced enough with the ways of electricity and power generation to give any tips.  But there are some very smart people on this forum who've dealt with ground hum and RF noise and the like and can probably offer some ideas.   It may not help in this case, since you've already returned them, but the knowledge may be helpful for future situations.
I have been scrutinizing Peachtree for a while, scrolling through their forums and following all the reviews. I sincerely hope I'm barking up the wrong tree as I'm hoping to clear out 2 chunky units for a slim and beautiful Nova 300. What I'm looking for is reliability as service or even warranty exchange is far too expansive and time consuming for my location. However, there are just too many feedback on this issue. I rest my case.
I have a theory "People tell you who they are....believe them"

Same with products. Yes, many people return due to lack of knowledge, color, etc. However, audiophile are ones who dig a bit deeper with expectations of audio components. Maybe take some Amazon reviews with a grain of salt, but I would place more weight on what audiophile Peachtree buyers are saying. 

With that said, My NovaPre, about 6 years ago, developed a major issue. I returned to PT and the turnaround was quick and not a problem since. 
I bought a Peachtree Nova 150 about 2 months ago and couldn't be happier.  It's my upstairs system and playback is all Flac files from JRiver on my laptop to Elac B6's.  Dead quiet - fast/responsive - musical -resolving - good soundstage and imaging, attractive package on a desktop.

My Downstairs system is Wadia 860/Bryston 4BST/Vandersteen 3A Sig - While there is no comparison between the two systems - different animals and pricepoints - $16,000 vs $1700 - but not that dissimilar...

The Peachtree is a quality item....