PC vs MAC laptop as music server

Hi All,
Looking for a laptop exclusively for surfing the web and use as a music server.
Will use for ripping CD's and downloading Hi Rez music files (HD Tracks etc..)
Would also use to sync to my IPOD 160gb and connect laptop to ARC DAC7 using USB cable. DAC7 connected to an all Reference ARC system.
Speakers are Verity Audio Parsifal.

Should I go PC or MAC ?

Showing 3 responses by smoffatt

Thank You all with those informative responses.

Suppose i go with a mac mini as Robert and others have suggested, and use my LCD TV as a monitor with wireless keyboard/mouse.
From my sitting location, the TV would be 10 feet away and the main audio system (DAC) about 15 feet the other direction so approx. 25 feet between the TV and Audio system.
Where would i position the mac mini?
I would need 2 USB cables (one to the TV one to the DAC). I would like to use the best quality/shortest USB cable to my DAC like a RSAD Poemia or better.
I want absolutely no compromise in sound quality.
Again, thanks for all your help!!!! Sly.

Yoyodyne, I would like to do the same but how do you convert those HD Tracks 24/96 flac files into AIFF to play on itunes? Unfortunately HD Tracks does not give the option to download those in AIFF. Only Flac.
Is there a convertion software available for MAC.
I would like to put them on my 160gb ipod and play them on my audio system through my Wadia dock and ARC DAC7.
I would like to close this thread with an update. I have acquired a MacBook Pro. More convenient to me than a Mini. I have downloaded some albums from HD Tracks into Itunes. Playing those through Ipod>Wadia dock>ARC Dac7.
Sounds pretty darn good. I have yet to play the 96/24 tracks i downloaded. Need to convert them to AIFF first so i can play via Itunes.

Next, i would like to hook up my Mac directly to my Dac7 via USB to assess the sonic differences vs Ipod/Dock.
Thank You All for the feedback.
Nice thread.