PC differences

A friend of mine and myself got into a discussion of PCs (since I'm looking into getting one) He is of the school that there is no difference it just carries current, I of course disagree. Can the forum members help me with this? I admit I don't know the difference in Litz, sold or multi strand and why it creates such spectular differences. Also why is cryo treating also causing such a s buzz? I have an idea that it forces a stabialization of crystals but i need more help for that. Also for a cable to present a netural non colored difference, why do the camps differ so much between silver, high purity OFC and hybrid designs ex: silver over HP Copper, or Gold over Copper? I can understand differences in materials. And lastly why does an after market cable make such a difference? (opinion only; they ALL should be UL listed, it's an insurance saftey thing) Is due to resistance, voltage transfer or what? I know it's alot but learning is always helpful (just need it in some more simplistic terms please) Thanks to everyone.

Showing 2 responses by rsjm80

Thanks to both so far, I am in serious conflict between VH Flavor 4, Signal Cable Magic Digital and Cryoparts Beast. Thay all are a great value but it will fall on my ability to manage the funding (even though they seem relitively inexpexsive) and reap the largest benefit for my expendure but input form all helps.
Been my direction and opinion that the PS Audio line conditioners unless I went big wouldn't benefit me, would make it too bright. I only need a 2 outlet for Integrated amp/Digital front end. My changes through Ridge Street Audio Poeima Sig IC and Bright Star Audio Air MAss/Big Rock 3 have been absolutely astounding with thier difference in pace, stage and focus. I'm dead set for neutrality but with even sharper definition, quicker pace and bigger staging, hence my origional questioning as to differences. Don't get me wrong I'm greatful to have suggestions and ideas, so please don't stop.