PC Audio and the Behringer DEQ 2496

As mentioned in other threads, I use this device to switch between PC and HDTV inputs for a desktop system, with generally good results.

As I wonder about upgrading amps and monitors, however, I am experimenting to see how good the PC audio really might sound.

Do I understand correctly that the optical input on the Behringer is the least desirable way to input digital data?

Because unfortunately, I am currently going USB out of a netbook, to a passive USB hub, which then connects to a "cheapo" Behringer interface, and exports with an optical cable to the DEQ2496.

Having said that, it all sounds suprisingly good for my desktop.

I also have a Hagtech USB to SPDIF interface, but the Behringer does not have a coaxial input, only an AES EBU input, other than the optical input.

Therefore, can anyone please advise or update the possiblities for using the DEQ 2496 and PC audio successfully?

Thank you,

Showing 3 responses by cwlondon

OK so a glass fiber toslink cable should be noticably better than my plastic Monster Cable optical cable from Best Buy?

How alarming is the octopus of USB cables going to a passive USB hub?

Interesting that in a forum where we debate magic markers on the outside of CDs, that this application seems to be more robust and less sensitive to debate?

Thank you for all the information - this is very helpful.

Is there any consensus on "high end" USB cables or glass fiber cables?

Or have the Siltechs of the world not gotten involved yet?

In my case, I use it as a decent, but cheap and versatile device to switch between cable HDTV and PC based sound on my desktop.

Its not state of the art, but surprisingly good, and fun.

If I were trying to build a single use, dedicated 2 channel audio system using PC as a source, I might not use the Behringer.

Or any Behringer.