Paul McArtney on Larry King

Paul stunned me last night. During the interview he candidly admitted that he does not read or write music. Never has. I DID NOT KNOW THAT! I don't think Larry new either. Absolutly amazing. He Said He and John use to record everything on cassette. How cool is that? MONDO in my book.

Showing 2 responses by glen

Sorry about the spelling guys and girls Please no bashing "McCartney" and "absolutely" in place of the above
Bmpnyc- Nice paragraph. I agree whole heartdly with your views on music as it pertains to Paul or any gifted musician. Wouldn't be surprised if he never had a singing lesson either. Do they still call that gift perfect pitch? I tried studying music full time in college but dropped out after a year. Couldn't keep up on the theory end of it. I still play and write original tunes but never felt like I could compete. 3 years in L.A. confirmed it. Paul is an undisputed and absolute genius. Great interview very honest guy.