Pathos TT RR Modification

Had malfunctioning digital volume control in my Pathos TT RR replaced with an NOS Alps "Black Beauty" volume pot connected with vintage Western Electric wire. I set out to have it repaired but the tech was unable to accomplish this even with factory consultation with what is a very complex and sensitive multiple chip board. As a result I lost the front panel decibel level readout and use of a remote. But it sounds better - so much better in fact that I would recommend this modification if you can live without a remote.

With this latest change my already outstanding modified (Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil coupling capacitors, Audionote resistors, etc.) Pathos TT RR has shed its last vestiges of "electronica". With amps at least I am off the merry-go-round.


Showing 1 response by c_avila1

What value are the Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil coupling capacitors? The original caps are rated at 1uf I believe.