Pathos Logos Tube Rolling?

Hi all,

I just received the Pathos Logos from a fellow Agoner. I hooked the unit up and let it warm up for a half an hour and listened to the stock tubes (not bad but it was a bit bottom heavy). I have a pair of Valvo E88CC's that I tried to swap out to but after powering on the tubes don't appear to be receiving voltage.

Any idea if this tube type is a no no on this Amp? Do I need a 6922/6DJ8 replacement?


Showing 1 response by mceljo

@cypry What system do you have?  I currently have some Mullard Blackburn tubes that sound fantastic in my Classic One MkIII.  The guy I purchased them from has found Mullard to be his favorite tube and has had both a Classic One and a Cinema X.  Have you tried a Mullard?  I'm curious about the Russian Rocket now.