Pathos logos strong enough to drive winds?

Im looking at Pathos integrated amp and im wondering if it will strong enough to drive my Totem Winds properly. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. And any other integrated that compares would be a plus.

Showing 3 responses by foster_9

The Logos doubles down from 110 wpc @ 8 ohms to 220 wpc @ 4 ohms so it produces some current. But with the Winds being 4 ohm speakers and inefficient I'd say you definitely need more current and power to drive them optimally. That is, if you want to get all they have to offer. Personally I'd prefer more power and current for them, and almost everything I've read about them confirms this. No personal experience however. But I've always been interested in these speakers and could own a pair today but made a different choice. Good luck with yours.
If you can go without a hybrid you may want to consider trying the Wyred 4 Sound integrated; plenty of power and current there. In the price range of the Logos too.
I feel your pain. This can be a very frustrating (hobby, passion, obsession, love affair? I mean of course the love of music)... The expense involved when you make a mistake can make this experience all the more frustrating. Personally I've made my share of mistakes. You can always buy the Logos (negotiate the best price you can) and resell it possibly at very little loss if it does not drive the Winds well.