Pathos Heritage

I just got my Pathos Heritage for my home in the USA, but I am experiencing something I have never seen before; when I first plugged it in with the volume at half it sounded pretty low, kind of scary low for a 80Wpc amp running Avantgrade Duo Mezzo XD speakers or Tannoy Kensington.

After running it for about 100hrs the loudness dramatically increased.

I have owned and own quite a few amplifiers and never seen something like this before.

‘this is REW’s measurements at the first few hours

and here after about a hundred


Showing 1 response by ghasley

Interesting. The Avantgarde presents an impedence of 16-18 ohms which would likely halve the wpc capability of a typical SS amplifier but the AG’s are also 105+db. The Tannoys are 8 ohm but 93 db. Hmmm. That would lead me to believe the volume implementation is just linear. On some gear it comes on strong like an arc I had that would run you out of the room at 20% and Ive had other gear that required 50-60% to achieve listenable volumes. I wouldnt worry about it too much, some manufacturers tune their volumes to give the impression that by using less volume turn that you have alot of power in reserve while others tune their volume for linearity and sound quality. I would bet Pathos falls into the latter camp.