Pathos Acoustics LOGOS: need your advise

I have the chance to get a new Pathos Acoustics LOGOS for a really nice price. I would like to have as much information as I can on this integrated. It will drive a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona (the source is the Meridian 508.24).

1. First of all, how does it compares to the Pathos Twin Towers? On one hand, it does not have the INPOL circuitry. On the other hand, the LOGOS has 110W and the TT only 35W. In your opinion, which one is better?
2. Dynamics: is it fast, like all the integrated Plinius?
3. Soundstage: wide and open like the Jeff Rowland Concentra II?
4. Bass: deep and strong enough or week, maybe boomy?

Again, all the information on the LOGOS is more than welcome. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by lisbon

Hi smp

Yes, reviewing the specs, the TT needs to face an impedence of a nominal 8 ohms. So it's not suited to drive the Cremonas which are 4 ohms. But not the Logos, which delivers 220w for 4 ohms speakers.

But, I really would like to ear a bit more from you on the Logos: dynamics, soundstage, bass and, most of all, air.
