Patents Filed for ‘High Definition Vinyl’ Technology

Imagine a vinyl record that has 30% more capacity, 30% greater volume, and double the audio fidelity of a typical LP sold today.


Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear atmasphere:  """   3D-based topographical mappingcombined with laser inscription technology """

gainst the  today : """  the groove is cut, not 'scratched' and its done with a heated stylus.... """

For me ( ignorant audiophile. ) is as been scratched against lasser technology. No one knows for sure because is the first time that will be used.

From where should comes that """"  and double the audio fidelity of a typical LP sold today. """" they are arguing if from a better way to " cut ". Just saying.

A few months ago I posted in this and other forums that the very old technology used in the LP have to change to improve its quality performance and that no one was doing nothing on the subject.
Now that ( in theory ) is happening I really celebrated ( not only " interesting " like you said. ) with my biggest music lover and audiophile shouts: good !!!!!

I only wish that they take less than those 3 years sheduled to appears.

Regards and enjoy the music,