Passive vs Active...Again!

My wife and I have made the rounds and have listened to numerous speakers now, not as many as we'd like, but as many as we could within a 3-hour drive. We liked some both active and passive, but it seems most of the active speakers we saw are not that pleasing to the eye (eg: Genelecs).

Not having a dedicated listening room, our room itself is a big problem. We have lots of hard surfaces to deal with.

If we go with passive speakers and the associated gear to go with it, we will need to spend a whole bunch of money on acoustic treatments.

We have a ton of artwork as well and with already limited wall space, we would rather look at the art than a bunch of sound-absorbing panels.

So here's my question: Will active speakers, that may come in cheaper, with room correction software (DSP) be able to tame the sound to a pleasing level in my lively room, or do I go with passives and break out the Rockwool!

Just a side note, I had some Martin Logan Spires in a very similar style room, that was much larger with little acoustic treatments and they sounded pretty good. But in this house I don't have the room to pull the speakers 3 feet of the back wall.

I know there is no perfect answer here, but appreciate any feedback, thanks.



Showing 21 responses by high-amp


sandthemall - very creative, some great ideas, thx!

dinov - +1

atmasphere - thanks Ralph, that's what I kinda though.

yogi42 - Paradigm 120 h - yes, I saw these when they first came out and I'd love to hear them, problem is, where?


kingharold - - stuff like this is really cool but I don't think I could figure out how to use it. I bought a microphone online and downloaded Room Perfect. I got so confused I returned the mic and deleted the software!





mike_in_nc - "The simplest thing is just to use some headphones -- you don’t have to consider the room at all, and you don’t have to learn anything new"
sorry Mike, never have been a headphone guy and never will. I like to feel the music. As far as learning, I love to learn, but I just want to listen to some music, I do not want to spend hours upon hours re-engineering the wheel.
mijostyn - yes, but 3’ is still quite a ways off the back wall, a minimum for any dipole speaker.
otooleme - Thanks for the tip, not sure about the older model Vandys but I have heard some of their newer models and they weren't really my wife and I's cup of tea.


rego - So I just watched this and said, that’s it, I’m going with Kii 3s!

Then I watched this: and Darko like the passive option better.

I was considering the Hegel H390 with a pair of KEF R11’s (or if I could squeeze it a set of the KEF Ref 1’s as per Darko’s shoot-out).

My problem is the room which it seems the Kii 3s will do the best in, but I also love that "Laid Back" sound of the KEF (which I have heard, haven’t heard the Kii’s). But then I’m back to the room problem if I go passive. Now, I’m really confused

Did someone say UGH!


rego - Thanks, wise words! No, the ceiling is vaulted. 8' at the walls and around 12' or so, in the middle. With a beam down the center.
djones51 - thanks, I will check out the D&D's




After watching Darko's videos on his expensive and evasive accoustic treatments, I'm almost ready to pack it in and purchase a Sonos speaker and call it a day! If I have to spend that much money and turn my house upside down to attain some decent sound, I'm starting to lose interest... and

Thanks David, yes the Devialet Phantom II can be heard locally, I just haven't got around to that one yet!

david_ten & rego - "re-thinking goals and priorities can be helpful"
Great advice, thank you both!
oldhvymec - overall great advice! I don't think curtains would work, but maybe some heavier weight roller blinds or something. Then you also gave me a good idea. Fill the voids in the back of those open framed pieces of art with Rockwool!
erik_squires - thanks Erik, I didn't read any great things about the Anthem overall, just the fact that it does have room EQ, Anyways, you talked me into purchasing the same amp that you have. It's on lay-a-way, so I could change it, I guess?
djones51- "Dutch and Dutch 8c or Kii3" Those are the other 2 models I was exactly thinking of besides the Genelec's, but they aren't pretty either, especially for the price! Same price I would be at with separate, maybe even less. And, speaking on unattractive, did you audition the Devialets when you were on the hunt for actives? 





djones51 - sweet!

sc2 - I thought it was the exact opposite with open baffle speakers. Aren't they supposed to be as far away from the back wall as possible?

My choice for passives is KEF R11s, minimum 9" off the back wall and 24" from the sides.

mark1961 - that sucks!

travelinjack - interesting, but not really looking for wireless at this time.


mike_in_nc - don't you need some kind of engineering degree to run DSP? It sounds very complicated.

laoman - Aqueo Audio Stillas - beutiful lookking speakers, thanks. Problem is, tough to find places that demo these and Kii3's.


stibi - gotolondon2 - I have heard a passive set of Dynaudios but not actives, thanks.

Thanks to all the others for their great suggestion!


cindyment - thank you, trying to find somewhere to listen to those kii 3s! Also have an appointment with the bank for a second mortgage - Kii3 $$$$$+ Swarm $$$$ + Room Treatments $$$ = $$$$$$$$$$$$$ 
Did someone say "Sonos"? 
elliottbnewcombjr - Great pics of your place and great suggestions as well. +1 on the PATIENCE thing...Thank you!
cindyment - Hey, no need to apologize, Kii 3s are up for discussion, I'm even negotiating as I write with a dealer 2 hours south that may let me have a demo! By the time you add up all the separate components and room treatment on top of that, I'm sure things would even out price-wise. Spires? Loved them but they need space off the back wall. I would probably go open baffle if I had the room again?




I did include a picture as an attachment above of the room dimensions but lengthwise it's about 24 feet and it's a bit of an L-shaped it is 26 feet long into the kitchen and steps back in 10 feet into the great room and then that wall that is going to be mirrored eventually is 12 feet. I have a proximately 12 feet on the back wall for speaker placement from the corner to the door into the next room.

Here's a couple of shots and some measurements of the place before I purchased it

This is the back wall, wife would like to mirror the wall to the left to make the room look bigger plus reflect the view. I don't think she'll like acoustic panels on the mirror...UGH!

Far wall, showing all the widow and I think drapes are out.
