Passive preamp w/Rogue Medusa and Rega DAC


I have become intrigued with the concept of a passive pre. At the moment, I think my preamp is the weak link in my chain. Key system components are MacMini-Rega DAC-Acurus RL11 pre-Rogue Audio Medusa-Fritz REv 7 speakers. At this point I am not ready to shell out the cash for a good active but thought about experimenting with a passive. I have concerns whether a passive will work in my system. Here are the basic specs on the DAC and Amp:

- Rega DAC: 2v output, 600 ohm output impedance
- Rogue: 200K ohm input impedance, Input sensitivity: 1.0V RM
- Fritz speakers 89db, 4 ohm
- Cables are all 1 meter or less

My concerns are the output impedance of the DAC is high (but the input impedance of the Rogue is very high and I can' figure out if the gain on the Medusa will be sufficient to run a passive.

Given the high input impedance of the Rogue, I think it will work with the DAC but am not sure. Based on the above, does it look like there are any limiting factors that would prevent a passive from working?

Any comments are appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by labtec

Why wouldn't you just upgrade your dac to something like the Benchmark DAC 2 which can be run direct into your amp.

Personally, I think your DAC is the weakest link by far...especially if you consider how much more the DAC impacts the sound.

I'm not saying that a pre amp isn't important, but just because a pre amp is old, doesn't mean it's a weak link.

With a DAC, it's a completely different story. Newer dacs are making great strides and I wouldn't count Rega as a trend setter in that realm. (I've owned their digital products in the past and found them acceptable, but not state-of-the-art.)