Pass XP-32 vs. Luxman C-900u?

Thoughts on the above preamps?

Showing 3 responses by joeinid

Thank you. I had an XP-30 years ago and wasn’t too crazy about it. The XP32 should be a lot better. 
I know the C-900u is pretty wonderful.
I always prefer a preamp in my system. I have some gear to move before any major changes but the LA-4 should be an easy reach. I did demo the ABH2 and loved a lot about it but preferred some "less neutral" amps at the time. Could be fun to revisit the stack.

Thank you so much. I keep looking at the Benchmark preamp, probably the one sans headphone amp. It’s worth a demo for sure. I technically only have one, maybe 2 sources so any high end preamp is overkill but I truly appreciate how important a good preamp is to the overall system sound.

I’ve been seeing a lot of great feedback on Coda. I’ll look deeper at your recommendation.

Luxman is awesome and I love their integrateds. I do tend towards Pass amps for the heavy lifting.

So much great gear, so little time/money.