Pass XONO - stories from the front?

Anybody with news about the new Pass phono stage? Does it match better with certain cartridges, cables, TTs? Any downsides?

Showing 2 responses by mgottlieb

Have had one since November. It is a significant advance over the Aleph ONO, which already was very good. Have only used one cartridge (Koetsu Rosewood Signature) and one phono cable (Cardas Golden Reference) and changed cables to preamp (Pass X-1, replacing the Aleph P) from balanced Golden Reference to balanced NBS Monitor 0. Worked beautifully with all, but after one brief try, it was clear that X-ONO likes balanced output cables much better.
Well, actually, I borrowed a pair of Monitor 0 RCAs to try it. It is difficult to generalize because the balanced outs have so much greater volume, but they simply seemed cleaner and more precise. I had the same impression comparing balanced and unbalanced Cardas Golden Reference, but that was much briefer, and the RCAs were 1 meter while the XLRs were 1/2.