Pass XA30.5

Anyone using the Pass XA30.5? If so what are your thoughts regarding the sonic and soundstage characteristics of this amp.
Sweet sound, romantic and much more powerful than the rated watts might suggest. Into an 8 ohm load, it easily goes past 100 watts in class A/B (~200 watts for 4 ohm load) before clipping. More bias current than a lot of class A/B amps with much more rated watts. Desmond of Pass once assured me actual class A watts is closer to 60 than 30.
And if you don't have a local Pass dealer, Mark at Reno Hi-Fi is wonderful to deal with.
I started with the XA30.5 (from Reno Hi-Fi) paired with my Avalon Ascendants. For my ear, this setup makes natural music. A year later, a pair of XA60.5's replaced the XA30.5 (again from Reno Hi-Fi). Worst case it was $70 to ship the XA30.5 from Chicago back to Reno, so small price to pay for a 10 day audition in your own setup.