Pass XA100.8 or Sim W7 Monos?

Category: Amplifiers

Would love input and opinions about the Pass XA100.8 vs SimAudio W-7 (bridged as mono blocks) to pair with Dali Epicon 6 fronts.

I'm after a slightly punchy sound (the punchy side of neutral) but also like clarity and soundstage.

The pairs of amps come in at an identical price point. I've heard the XA100.8 in my system and find their detail to be amazing but a hair polite. I've only heard the W-7 in the showroom and set up as a dual mono config. (one chassis).

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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Showing 1 response by hornblower

The Dali's are themselves perhaps a little on the polite side. The A/B Pass Labs amps may be more appropriate for your system and taste. An X150.8 would be less expensive, more powerful, still have fairly high bias, and might be just what you're looking for. The smoothness of the XA amps is wonderful for very revealing speakers.