Pass x250.8 vs Boulder 850 vs Spectral DMA250

Hi all, I sold my old integrated amplifier (Vitus RI-100) and now I have a C2550 mcIntosh Preamplifier.
Next month I will have the possibility to make an audition on these amps, some of them are second hand so the resulting price will be more or less comparable:
- the new Pass X250.8 (I am afraid about what I read on burn-in hours required)
- Spectral DMA 250
- Boulder 850 monos
my intention is to drive my Sonus Faber Elipsa Red with a very good slam/control (where Vitus RI-100 lacked) but without loosing the excellent Vitus mids/highs.
Anyone experienced ? Any other suggestion will be appreciated.

Showing 10 responses by bo1972

It depends on which kind of sound you prefer. They all 3 sound different. The Pass will be the most musical one in the mid freq.

You only know how it work out with your pre-amp when you connect it.

At the end it is a personal thing. It can be fun to compare, so enjoy it!!
What I said it is a personal thing. I heard many Boulder
amps in the last 7 years. There was not even one time that I
thought: this is great I want it. I would not even want it
for free in my room!!

It never gave me the emotion I want in music!!
The thing is, when you audition a lot of stuff, you remember all the good things. As a perfectionist at the end you want it all.

All parts you judge an amp for, need to be exeptional. When you have done a lot of lestiening, you are able to listen to all different parts in a very short time. Most people who have this as a hobby, can often listen to a few of these parts at one time.

Beside this, audio always will be a personal matter.
I would choose for Pass Labs directly. But...that information is just personal and totally not interesting for you.

Often you know what you prefer or like in a very short time. A good remark is a big smile on your face. :)

Before owning it, you need to enjoy the search for your ultimate amp.......have fun....Bobby
My dentist plays with the first generation Amati's. He uses Krell amps of about 7 years old. The sound is stunning. I heard these also with ML. It sounded dead, without emotion. Even depth was of a very low level. Yes SF needs power and speed, because SF does not use units with the best response. You need a lot of power and speed to solve this limitation. But....also you need emotion. It is easy to get a clinical sound out of a SF. I love classical music with SF. I think SF will be my new brand in speakers I will start to sell. I will use SF for it's design and for the options of more expensive speakers.
In 16 years of time I heard many spectral demos. There was
not even one time that it gave me a smile on my face. What I
said earlier; in a few seconds I can hear to all different
parts which need to be there. There is a lot missing with
Spectral in my personal opinion. In a few demos I really
liked the speed and depth. But.....other things were still
missing. For me this is incomplete. I don't want it. I prefer
and even demand a small and realistic intimate sound. I never
heard any Spectral do this as I want it to be. I hate
classical music played by spectral. It irritated me a few
times. I asked the dealer;do you think a violin sounds like
this? I said: it sound like a clinical violin. That is not
how it sounds in real. This brand I also not even want for
free. Pass labs is superior in emotion compared to Spectral.
I tested a few Ayre amps in the past. They do not have the
width and depth of Pass Labs. I know from email contact that
the new .8 series even have a wider and deeper stage. Only
class a will give you all the colours in the mid freq. you
want and need. Ayre is also in my personal opinion
incomplete. It does not have all the parts for what I call
Total Sound. Same thing; I don't even want them for free!!
MIT with Spectral doesn't make any sence at all. You must be a F... mongol to make this combination. Why? Very simple you need to be aware of the properties Spectral owns. And the properties of MIT. They both give a deep and wide stage, but they lack to give an intimate and realistic proportion of instruments and voices.

In the last 2 years I have proven that MIT are poor cables. I did win all battles with Audioquest against MIT cables. How simple life can be.

All these people are now aware of what an intimate image means. They all use the same words; I enjoy my music a lot more.

Many people believe what people say in audio. Use your own ears. That is why the best sound always wins. With products with a higher endresult it is very easy for me to eliminate products like MIT.
The dealer is the same and that says all. In the past when I sold Avalon they said MIT is the best combination with Avalon. This was bassed on political grounds. This I really hate. I want to end this.

I have proven in the last years that Audioquest cables eliminates MIT with Avalon with ease. Just put the Audioquest against the MIT in a battle and you understand why it is inferior.

Many people in audio work with their own political agenda. This is not based on the best endresult possible for a client. These people I will eliminate out of the world of audio personal!
My way of working is always creating a higher level in sound
than any competitor. When they come with MIT I always laugh.
Because I know the outcome. Only people with less knowledge
in music and sound would buy the MIT cables.

It is very easy for me to explain to people what the
differences are. This makes it very easy to understand what
the limitations are of the MIT cables. I could not sell MIT
to my clients. I would stop working in audio. I hate
inferior quality. For a perfectionist it always needs to be
the best. The rest I eliminate.