Pass X250.5 Users

I currently have an X250 and I am thinking of moving to the .5. I've seen a few examples online of X250.5's that have the same fascia as the older X250. It appears the back / front plate is the same on both amps on the front fascia is interchangeable. I can buy a .5 series locally and strongly thinking about it. I'm assuming the earlier X250.5's had the older front as Pass probably had some inventory of the older and used them up first. The meter says X250.5, so I'm sure it is a .5 series. My question is, besides the front plate, did later .5 amps with the later front change internally, or no the circuit stayed consistent throughout the lifespan of this amp? I personally prefer the earlier front so that doesn't bother me and I'm thinking the earlier X250.5 's goes for a little less money as well. Thanks much.

Showing 2 responses by adg101

Did you just have the itch to upgrade or was there something you didn't like about the X250.5?

Yeah, I dropped Pass an email as well and just waiting for a response.

Desmond got back to me and as I expected they did make some circuit changes from the first X250.5’s with the original X250 case to the later. Here’s what Desmond said.

"The main difference on the rear was the addition of a white ground post. We had several people hook up rel subwoofers across the speaker terminals, thinking the black terminal was ground.

When we added the ground post we took the opportunity to clean up some internal layouts as well."

I'm sure the early .5 series is still an improvement over the originally unit. I’ll drag it home to compare before I purchase first.