Pass X150.5 or Odyssey Stratos monos?

After months of research and mental anguish ;) I've narrowed down my search for new amplification to the two in the title. There are obvious differences like the fact that one is a stereo amp while the other are monoblocks. Anyway, if you had to, which option would you go with and why? Thanks!

Showing 26 responses by georgehifi

Sorry but you two have much to learn.
You can’t fathom it for yourselves, you just mimic what your been told by who’s selling them to you.

That’s enough .
Do you think that’s all it is, driving a dummy load resistor? you have a lot to learn.

And a non bridged amp will drive a 2-4ohm load better than the same amp bridged if you’d like to know.

Don’t you guys think a designer like Nelson Pass would have just bridged amps like his stereo X250 to make his mono X600????? or his XA30 stero to make his XA100 monos???

You need to educate more,

Better still find "just one amp designer" that doesn't bridge amplifiers to sell. To back bridging to have the same quality measured specs as the same amp non-bridged, into todays high end quite hard to drive speakers. 
Whatever 🤦‍♂️ get someone to show you on the test bench, where all decent amps are designed/measured and worked out.

It’s a very easy way for a manufacturer to have a much more "powerful mono pair model" without much re-designing and tooling put into doing it, like the original stereo one usually does
Again, and again and again....the same argument...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

One day it'll sink in, that bridging a stereo amp is a big musical compromise just to get more watts, may as well say it's now a P.A. amp.
George don’t like odyssey monos, and feels they are inferior and a poor amplifier, that’s ok.
Not just me, but any audio tech will tell you, when you bridge a stereo amp into mono "everything takes a hit" except you get more watts.  

You honestly have no idea what your on about, if it were just about wattage, just go get yourself one of these 4000w!!! for $450!!! and you’ll be happy.

So what you’re arguing about is applicable for true mono amps only, not in this case, Odyssey stereo-to-mono amps.
"True mono amps" don’t have a problem, only stereo amps that have been bridged to be monoblocks have worse specs.

As you can see this is a Stratos monoblock extreme "was clearly a stereo amp" that has been bridged to be mono, as I’ve shown with the two large left and right channel red circled, and the one set of input and speaker terminals omitted small red circle

So, please @georgehifi stop BS about Odyssey if you even didn’t listen or test those amps.

Sorry but obvious, if you knew but don’t, what happens to all measurable parameters that make for good amps, they all go backwards when an amp is bridged (mono'd), only the wattage is higher, everything else takes a hit.
Cheers George
 Monoblock owner can't take the truth, that the stereo is a better amp.
why are you so negative against the Odyssey amplifiers?

You really need to read more sunshine/mate/bro.
I’m only anti the monoblocks that are just mono’ized stereo amps (not true mono amps at all). NEVER!!! have I said anything against the stereo amps.
The gullible here think the mono’ized stereo’s are better than the stereo amp.
Only in wattage being far higher are they better, no where else.
Sound quality into the same speaker that both have enough wattage for without strain, the stereo amp will, without a doubt sound better!

BTW: Cerwin Vega D9, 101db 8ohm load, 125db before they distort. Yep! your on the money🤦‍♂️
the monos are superior.......
Only for wattage Klaus, only for wattage. All other parameters that make for a good amp take a hit, especially low impedance speaker drivability and stability.

Hifigeorge: but anything Odyssey that he ever mentioned is negative.

This is incorrect, only the stereo’s that are made into monoblocks Klaus. The stereo’s amps I’ve said sound quite good if you search.

This was after my friend who was going to be your Au dealer saw had me check them out. After I pointed it out to him when he lifted the lid in the samples he got, the Monoblocks were just a pair of the stereo’s monoblock’ed, when he showed me the inside.

As for the stereo sample he got at the same time, I said to him it should sound better on the speakers we had, 89db-90db but a hard impedance load, and it did.
So Klaus I only put **** on the monoblock’ed stereo’s amps, not the stereo amp.

The bridged ones, would have been crap also into your Revels as well for the reason outlined.
And as for pre to power impedance, I don’t see 800 ohms into 10000 ohms such a bad mismatch either.

Cheers George
I’ll keep mine until I have the $20-30K to buy a Pass product.

Don’t know where you buy used Pass X150.5 that we're talking about here, but they go for $1500 to $3000 all over the place.

Cheers George
As you know, bridging can potentially increase power capability into 8 ohms by 4x
Just not to confuse others "power" is "wattage" only in this case, current is halved.
And yes Al I agree, Pass amp by a long way.

Cheers George
I believe that the Odyssey Stratos monos are not bridged

Al have a close look at my first post links to the "Stratos stereo" and then the "Stratos mono", and I’ll see if I can get some better shots if you still can’t see it.

This is better shot of the stereo
The Stereo
The Mono has a transformer case and some extra PS caps around it, but it’s a bridged stereo Stratos

Cheers George
I can see this thread turning into a shitshow so I'll move on. Thanks for the comments and advice, enjoy the music!
Good idea, skip the ads

Cheers George 

nothing wrong with a bridged amplifier if done properly!
Really? then please show how to bridge this common simple Nelson Pass Threshold S300 amp "properly" so it’s just as good as the stereo version.
give em a try, call and talk to Klaus.
Do read kismet reviews, and call and talk to Klaus!
give em a try, call and talk to Klaus.
Call Klaus and chat and hear him!
give Klaus a call, call between 9-11pm for best answer.
Cake Klaus, see what he has to offer

 Wow! now that’s freaky
I actually owned a pair of Odyssey Audio Kahrtargo monoblocks and found they were horrible in my system.
It could have had something to do with the output/ input impedance mismatch between my preamp and amps.

It was because of this, your Revels looked like a 2ohm load to the bridged Kahrtargo monos and probably were going unstable.

Cheers George
 I just wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the Odyssey.

I would not have dismissed so quickly, if it were just a stereo version and not bridged into mono, stereo amps.
But still would have given the Pass the nod.

Cheers George
whatsmyname OP

You make what could be a good stereo amp into a mediocre mono amp by bridging the two stereo channels together to make a mono.
Yes you gain a lot more watts, but everything else that makes for a good amp takes a hit.

Current ability is less
Stability is less
Distortion is more
Damping factor is worse
The ability to drive low impedance’s is reduced by half.
I’m sure there are more.

Cheers George