Pass X-150 X Levinson 334

Please,can someone help me to choose between the Pass X-150,and Levinson 334?

Showing 3 responses by lev335

This is a tough one. They are both awesome peices of equipment. The Levinson has a more realistic sound stage and the mids are more like liquid. I have hears the pass at a dealer on wadia and b&w 803n and it sounded great but I own a 335 and nothing can make me sell it. Pass great equipment. Simular in some respects to the levinson
The Levinson gear is built better than pretty much anything I have ever seen. There is an audio store in White Plains New York That had a 332 In peices just to show how complex these amps actually are. It blew my mind. The Pass is really good gear. Even so I will never switch from my 335. And the 334 has the same sound just lees power than the 335. You cant go wrong. Even if you didnt like the Levinson (you will) you can get your money back on the used market. Good luck
A bit of advice. The new series Levinson 34 335 336 is much more open and airy and the bass is much much better than the older 300 series levinson They started using the same boards from the 33h mono blocks. Good luck You will be happy either way you go but the Lveinson is a KEEPER