Pass or Spectral

I will choose between the following high standard amplifiers:
Pass XP20 and XA 160.5
Spectral DMC 30SS and 360.
My speakers are Focal Utopia Scala and it seems
that Pass is a better choice with this speakers,
What is your opinion?
Thanks Sergio

Showing 1 response by hgeifman

I agree with the above posts that Spectral equipment requires expensive MIT cables. If you decide on Spectral, you need to include MIT cables for the best sound and performance. In my opinion, the Pass will sound warmer, be more natural and has a great midrange. The Spectral is great sounding with MIT cables and is very detailed. The build quality and customer service on both units are excellent. Both Pass and Spectral are expensive so I suggest you listen to both using your speakers before you make a decision.