Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts

Showing 6 responses by nkonor

I usually stay clear of this type of discussion.
Grew up poor.
Went to the Army to get a chance to escape poor in the ghetto.

Take a quick look at FSB Ripcord. You will get a look at where I have been.

Yes, I have a pair of Pass XA 160.8s. I worked hard all my life. I earned them.

Each of us decides how to go through life. Also, cars, houses, education, jobs, sound systems, women, etc, etc.

Make Your Choices. Stop whining !


I didn't mean to start a firefight by mentioning going overseas. I am happy that things seem to have settled down and this thread has turned back to music and travel.
Lived in Juneau, AK. I like the Canadians too.
Thanks to All that Served.

Best to All on this Journey.

All the Wars, All the evil people, All the Blood and Treasure.

"Don't Mean Nothing"

We are back in the World. We're at 7.3 Billion people and climbing. Give it a break, Have a glass of wine, a longneck, a big fatty whatever. Put on some great music and relax. Tim has it right; This is an Audio Forum.
Demo as much as you can. Have your crooked, worthless dealer work hard for your hopeful business, have him loan you all his equipment for extended periods. Buy used on this and other sites. Then complain about lack of "brick and mortar" shops.
The 70s and 80s were great times for hardware and software. I have more than enough of both. Might need to start downsizing 5-10 years out. Trying to keep a notebook for my wife so she some good $ for the equipment and records.