Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts

Showing 1 response by juke4u

I personally could never afford any expensive audio product, but I sure am glad there are people out there that can. It wasn't that long ago, that I could not afford a $10,000+ 42 inch plasma TV. They were for rich people. I remember hearing an Audio Research Classic 60, Bryston, Levenson, and Mac but it was way more than I could afford. Now I can afford a 65 inch, TV because there were enough rich people buying them, that the technology got better and the price got lower. As for audio equipment, I can easily afford the Classic 60 but unlike TV's the price of really good audio gear has gone thru the roof and yes, so has the sound quality. Thankfully over time, the price will trickle down on good used audio gear. Hopefully I will be able to afford some better sounding equipment.
I think I can understand the $65,000 amp but I still have trouble with $5,000+ for 3 feet of speaker wire, power cord or innerconnects.