Pass Labs XP10 or Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE

This thread is intended for those who have experience with both preamps, primarily. But feedback from those who have one or the other is welcomed.

I really like the idea of a no-gain preamp. I normally wouldn't consider something like the W4S for my set-up, except that what it lacks in appearance (external), it seems to actually possess(internal). I have a Pass Labs X250.5 which has 26/30 dB of gain on it's own. While I would love to have an aesthetically matching/pleasing system (all Pass), the sound still has to determine my purchase. The W4S could also potentially save me some coin in the process.

I am currently unable to hear either preamp so I am trying to get impressions from current owners of either, or both, product(s).
The Pass XP10 will blow the Wyred away in terms of build quality and overall refinement. It's a spectacular preamp that you'll find long term satisfaction with. Good luck!
I hope this helps.I never heard the Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE but I moved up to the XP-10 from the X-1, the two preamps are miles apart with the XP-10 being the better.It is mated with my Pass Labs 350.5 and all I can say is a match made in heaven.I would never think that the XP-10 could improve that much over an already great design.Buy the XP-10 and thank me later.
I realize this thread is a bit old, but I have listened to both the W4S and the Pass XP-10 in the same system. I was initially interested in the W4S because the buffer / active design seems well thought out. Unfortunately, I found the sound of it to be quite thin even in comparison to another buffer (the Pass B1 buffer).

I found I liked the performance of the Pass XP10 better than both the W4S and the B1 buffer. It is very transparent in the mid-bass and midrange, with better control in the low bass and better presentation in the high frequencies. I will point out that the amps I use have a very low input impedance, and finding a good matching preamp is tough.

For me, the W4S did not sound thin at all. On the contrary, images were quite dense and saturated, maybe even more so than my Conrad Johnson CT-5 (though not as delicate or refined). This is exactly the reason it replaced my Placette Passive while giving up just a smidgen of transparency. This is also a trait highlighted by the 6Moons review.

Alan, what amp were you using and what input impedance? I ran it with a Pass XA30.5 and Luxman M-600a at 23 Kohms and 51 Kohms, respectively.

I suppose, as with all things, YMMV.