PASS LABS XP-22 vs. XP-12


I recently acquired pass labs monoblocks 260.8 and am using a pass labs xp-17 phono preamplifier.  I am using Harbeth 40.2 speakers. 

 I am currently auditioning the pass labs xp-12 preamp and like it but wondering if should ask reno hifi to demo the xp-22.  I am only using the turntable on the linestage although perhaps will add digital to it at some point.  

If anyone has heard both would be interested especially in their opinion.

I could get a non Pass preamp but would cost me about $1000 in package deal value from reno hifi so for now gonna stick to an all pass system......

Showing 1 response by smodtactical

Stereophile said the BHK and XP22 sounded very similar! Damn. Big respect to the BHK which is substantially cheaper.