Pass Labs XP-10 & XP20 Users

I recently got a XP-10 preamp. It provides tremendous clarity, a deep and wide soundstage, nice seperation of instruments, lower bass, better defined bass, and a touch of warmth (which is a plus in my system).

It has been in the system for a couple days now, and I am thrilled with the results. This thing is so resolving (without being harsh), that my friends and I could hear differences in the sound depending on how we spiked and isolated the XP-10. A sand bag on top also changed the sound. I will pick a final setup once it finishes breaking in this weekend.

I am using this in a 5.1/2.0 system. The Bypass function is setup on input 5 which is an unbalanced input. My Prepro has both Balanced and Unbalanced outputs. In theory the balanced outputs coming out of the prepro should sound better, so I have it routed through Input 1 and manually set the volume to max and Gain to 0.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks about these preamps? They seem pretty straight forward. It seems the only setup/optimization may be related to spikes, isolation, and weight placed on top of the unit.

Showing 1 response by ben77059

Nice to see this tread alive and well.  I just upgraded to an ARC Ref 5 SE.  Pretty amazing pre, but I don't like the 40 second delay, mute and zero volume.  I understand why, but after the delay, couldn't they at least unmute the thing and maybe set the volume to "1" if not the setting it back to the last setting?  Sorry for the vent, but because of this, I am thinking about going back to SS.  

I have a pair of Pass Labs XA-100.5 mono blocks.  I am sure the XP20 pre would match up extremely well.  My question, has anyone compared the XP20 with the ARC Ref 5 SE?  

I do like that the ARC has a 12V remote, so when I turn it on, the amps come on.  Since the XP20 is designed to stay on (similar to my Ayre K5 Xe mp) it won't have the 12v remote switch.
