Pass Labs Xa60.8 Class A or should it be called class A/B?

I'm looking at possibly purchasing the Pass Labs Xa60.8, but am puzzled by one of its specifications.  One reviewer stated that "The XA60.8 doesn’t leave pure Class A until it reaches 122 peak watts. Then it moves into Class AB for unheard of headroom for a 60-watt amp".  I've confirmed this headroom is on the specification sheet, but if the amp actually can transition into A/B, shouldn't it really be called class A/B?  Also, I'm confused as to if this headroom is available as continuous watts or just peak.  Can anyone clarify?

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I'm puzzled as well, since peak power of 60W sinewave is 120W.  Most of power comes from low frequencies and it is likely to be close to sinewave.  Does it mean that headroom of this amp is only 2W?