pass labs xa30.5 vs aleph 3

Stereophile reveiwer Erick Lichte has done a head to head review of these pass amps in August 2009 issue. Erick uses the aleph 3 as his main amp feeding a pair or Revel f30 speakers, he also uses Benchmark Dac1 to feed the alpeh as I do as well. He was asked to do a comparison between the pass amps as a follow up to the great reveiw of the xa30.5 which was reviewed by Brian Damkroger in which,I quote "absolutely, positively,and enthusiasticallly recommended" the xa30.5 and, Brian sounds like he perfers high powered amps in the review. In the review Erick thought the Xa30.5 sounded more resolving and a little bit better bass control and can sound louder than the 30 watts. It was leaner in the midbass than the aleph 3 but, had a slightly more presents in the top three octave. he still is in love with is aleph 3 and sound like he is not planning on replacing the aleph 3 with the xa30.5. Anyways I have been waiting for a head to head review of these pass amps since the xa30.5 was released. If anyone would like to see the head to head review send me an email and I will take a high res pictures of the artical and send it to anyone. Also Erick Lichte did a head to head review of the Musical Fidelity's 550k supercharger amp and the Aleph 3 in a December 2008 issue. He concluded the aleph sounded better than the 550's by itself. He then supercharged his aleph 3 but did not like the sound. Very interesting articals about my beloved aleph 3, and a great read for aleph 3 owners. In my opinion the aleph 3 is still a giant killer and is a legend when it comes to amps.

Showing 3 responses by danielk141


Let me start my 2 cents by asking why he used an Aleph 3?
I owned an Aleph 3, two Aleph 30s, a pair of Aleph 60 monoblocs, a pair of Aleph 2 monoblocs, and an X150.5
The Aleph 3 was easily bested by the Aleph 30s, they just sound better top to bottom. The Aleph 60 monoblocs have the same sound as the 30, more power and obvious monobloc advantages. I also owned an Aleph P preamp and an X1 with full size power supply.
I still own the X1 and the Aleph 2 monoblocs. The Aleph 2s are supposed to be an older design than the Aleph 60s,
I just wanted to keep the more powerful amps.
These amps drove my Apogee Mini Grands easily, no doubt helped by the Mini Dax rolling off the panels at 80 hertz.
I live in Phoenix. The Aleph 2s are unusable here in the summer. It's 115 here today, class A amps are not an option.
I regret selling my X150.5, I'll probably buy another one used or move up to an X250.5. I never liked the first generation X amps. The .5 X amps are way better, to me.
I heard the XA100 amps at my former Pass dealer. I was unimpressed. I'm sure the .5 XA amps are a big jump forward in sound quality. That's just the way Pass amps evolve.
I'm consistently surprised when I see Aleph 2 monoblocs languishing used for $2500.00 here on Audiogon. These sound noticeably better than the earlier 3 stage Aleph amps (Aleph O, Aleph OS, Aleph 1 monoblocs) in my opinion.
I've watched the used XA30.5 ads here on Audiogon. For $1K less, you can have a pair of Aleph 2 monoblocs, 160 watts into 4 ohms, with monobloc channel separation & ease of amp placement, to boot.
I'm currently listening to my Avalon Avatars, driven by Murano P1000S monoblocs (with the ICE module).
This fall, I'll be listening to my Rowland Model 2, or my Aleph 2s. The Muranos will be in my video system.

I'm wondering how hot your XA100.5 amps run?
I know everyone thinks Class A is Class A.
I have seen amps that run even hotter than my Aleph 2s.
My (former) Pass dealer had a Plinius stereo amp several years ago, on demo from the distributor. It was one that runs Class A or Class A/B with a switch on the faceplate.
In Class A that amp ran so hot nobody would touch it.
We speculated the amp needed more heatsink area......
I bet the caps in that amp fried sooner than other amps.

Thanks for the detailed response. My Aleph 2s are the hottest running monoblocs I've owned. I will keep them until something better sounding comes along.
The last pair of used XA100.5s I saw here on Audiogon were $10.5K, that's a little more than I'm prepared to spend...
I wish I could demo a pair here in the Phoenix area..
I really like the Pass "Simpler is Better" philosophy.
I'm looking at a used Gamut stereo amp, unfortunately,
it isn't local.