Pass Labs XA30.5 and ModWright KWA150

Has anyone directly compared these two amps, who could describe the differences in sound? Both are said to be among the most "tube-like" SS amps, and are about the same price.

Showing 2 responses by rtn1

I've not understood the need for a low-powered SS amp. If my speakers just needed 30 watts, I'd get a tubed amp.
Right. The Pass will run near as hot as a tubed amp with similar power. The Pass is overbuilt and is essentially no maintenance. However, if you have a speaker that can work well with a tubed amp, and you are looking for something that sounds like a tubed amp, then buy a tubed amp. You will spend more time trying to get the SS amp to sound like a tubed amp, than time spent with any maintenance issues that are likely with a tubed amp in the first place.

There are some good choices with autobiasing, good customer support, and very good build. You can often find something with an intact warranty at a used price from dealers.

SS amps can work very well, but they take much care and effort.