Pass Labs XA30.5 and ModWright KWA150

Has anyone directly compared these two amps, who could describe the differences in sound? Both are said to be among the most "tube-like" SS amps, and are about the same price.

Showing 2 responses by ral

Thanks Tvad for the response. Indeed I was asking on the assumption that the speaker load was not a major factor in the comparison. However, your descriptions of "superiority" and "class of its own" are not really helpful because I am looking for a neutral and detailed account of differences in sonic flavor using various kinds of music.
Tube-like to me means: Dimensionality of images, bloom and decay, a sense of instruments actually present. Then why not just get a tube amp? Well, issues of maintenance and heat, along with typically lower damping factor. Some pure class A solid state gear gets you part way toward tube sound (but never all the way of course).