Pass Labs XA 60.5 to drive Dynaduio C4

Hi There ! I am considering XA60.5 over d XA100.5 due to price difference. However i am worried coz xa 60.5 might not be enough to drive my C4 effectively.

Has anyone have experience or knowledge to share with me. Any comments or suggestion are highly appreciated.

Thanks for your reply Mdowns32.

My room size is 4.75 mts x 6.5 mts x 3.0 mts ceiling height.

What do u think ?
Thanks again Guys.

By d way im using Modwright LS36.5 w Separate Power Supply PREAMP.

Maybe you have idea what would be the best tube preamp to match xa60.5 ?

frankly, the modwright pre w/ outboard PS is excellent, should be a nice match. but if you have any ?s re: if the 60wpc is enough, get the 100wpc unit. ---i'lll cover this in a review i have coming on PFO in a week on the 60.5s. but short answer, there's so little distortion on the signal its easy to crank the volume, resulting in needing more headroom.

i do like to listen loud, but not that loud, and not that big a room.

you'll regret spending the money one time. you'll regret owning an underpowered amp the entire time.
I was able to ask personally with Dan Wright during the recent HIFI show here in Manila that the Modwright KWA 150 amp is 150 watts in Class AB and 20-30 watts in pure Class A mode.

Does this mean that the Pass Labs XA60.5 with 60 watts of pure Class A is 2 times the power of Modwright KWA 150 and can drive better my Dynaudio C4 ?