Pass labs XA-160.8 monos - or -  Mark Levinson 536 monos for Magico's

If you had to chose today / now one of these sets of mono-blocks for same money what would you choose?

Pass labs XA-160.8 monos

- or -  

Mark Levinson 536 monos


Associated gear

Bricasti M1SE w/M12 built in ethernet media player
SGC sonicTranporter Roon Server w/Uptone JS-2 LPS
TLS OCXO ethernet Switch & 912 OCXO LPS
TLS Reference CAT7 ethernet cable loom
TLS Reference DC cable loom

(Either Mark Levinson 523 or Pass Labs XP-30) based on monos chosen

Magico S5 MK II

Kubala-Sosna Emotion/Elation Full Loom


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Showing 1 response by jymc


I own a VAC Signature MkIIse preamp with line and phono stage.  I don't think it can get too much better from a sonic perspective....BUT (and a real big BUT), at this price level, we are deep into diminishing incremental returns territory.  DIFFERENT sonic characteristics may be audible in comparison to other premium brands, but whether these differences are BETTER is purely a matter of subjective taste for varying sonic flavors.