Pass Labs X600.5 or a Pair of Classe Omicron's?

Time to make a choice. I know I want the amps close to my speakers for a short speaker cable run. It's not possible for me to A/B these amps. I'm looking at Pass Lab's X600's, around $6K used, (thinking I can do the .5 upgrade a little later on) OR the dual mono Classe Omicron, around $6K used, (thinking I can add a second one to run them bridged for each channel later on). Anyone with experience or opinions?

My system: Revel Salons, Classe CP-65 preamp, APL 3910 digital source. Not sure about cabling yet (ideas & suggestions welcome), but probably Transparent Ultra. Ref prices are crazy!

I have had both the Pass X250 and the Omicrons in my system and compared them side by side. I chose the Omicrons. If you like the sound of your Classe than I would go with the Omicrons. I definately found the Pass to be dry(although a great amp) and not as musically satisfying as the Classe. I am not sure how the X600 compares to the X250, but I think they are probably pretty similar in sound. Good Luck.

The CP-65 is really a world class pre. I've heard it in a few differnt systems and it never fails to delight. Granted there are finer pre's out there. I think the CP-65 is pretty neutral. Perhaps adds a touch of warmth. I'm purchasing an APL 3910 (can't wait) and I plan on A/Bing it with and without the CP-65. From all accounts, for $6K this CDP is in the $15K to $20 class in sonics. I think the A/B will be very revealing if the CP-65 has any faults. I'd go preless except I need a complete front end for my HT to play through (I still may be able to pull this off because I'm having analog inputs installed on the APL 3910). Of course, I want to get back into vinyl with a nice analog rig some time soon and that means a pre. Nothing is ever simple, but it's all good! :)
Hmmm, this is tough choice, but's it's a fun choice. I really do love this hobby.

I do wan't more power. My dedicated HT room is 22x36x10. I have found myself wishing for and not having the power to produce the volume I've wanted with the CA-201 and Legacy Focus 20/20's. Yes, the CA-201 was pushing 400W with the 20/20's being 4 ohm, but I still couldn't get that "Oh my God, this is insane, but it sounds so good" volume going. The other thing about the CA-201 was it had a small sweet spot and lower volumes were out of it. I'm hoping either of these two, the X600's or the Omicrons will have a much broader sweet spot. I'm thinking I may have to buy both of these to audition both and then sell the one I can live without. I'm in Baghdad, Iraq right now. I'll be home in December for a few weeks and the plan is to have all my new gear waiting for me. It'll be nice to trade the sounds of gunfire, choppers, tanks and explosions for sweet, sweet music. Ahhh, can hardly wait.
Do not Compare Classe and Pass Labs ...
Pass labs Still is The best One X600s or .5