Pass labs X250.5 vs Jeff Rowland Model 10, or 201

Which one will be better to drive revel studio? looking for warm, musical, details sound also just moving from tube amp.
Matching preamp is CJ. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Jwon.
Did you hear an improvement in sound from 100-hours to 600 hours ?
At 100 hours I still think the bass needs a little refining.
I am using the Pass Amp with my APL 3910 direct. No Preamp.
It took about 250 hours for the unit to mature. Base did improve and the depth of the sound stage grew larger. The general warmth and musicality stayed consistant after about the 100 hour point. By the way, I'm driving Avalon Ascents which are not easy speakers to drive in the base department. The 350.5, however, does a wonderful job of surprising audiophile friends who heard these speakers driven by various high powered tube gear. (VAC, BAT,
ARC ) Even some of my tubes or die friends have had a hard time finding fault with this power amp.
I own Studios as well and one thing for sure is that you need gobs of power to really make them work. I tried a bunch of stuff. For sure, the Rowland 201s cannot control the bass on the Studio. Am using a Rowland 302 now.

Have you tried the 501? how the 302 sound with Revel Studio? and what cabling? thanks in advanced.