Pass labs X-350 Love it or hate it

I want to know if anybody loves the x-350 power amp, I only read about people who love the newer models, Im kinda sick of hearing that, I have had my X 350 about 4 months now, I think it is as good if not better then anything out there today, I am using it with a wadia 850 direct into my martin logan monolith iii speakers, I am using nordost quattro fil i.c and transparent speaker wires with custom nordost spm for connection to crossover, what do you think.I have heard krell, I thought it too bright, I liked AR vt-200, sounded just like my pass.

Showing 1 response by onemug

Isn't it enough that you like the 350? What if they polled a million people and 95% preferred the 350.5? You'd be way in the minority. So what. It's your money, buy what sounds good to you. If that happened and you wonder why you're in the minority, it's because in your room with your speakers and most important, your ears the 350 sounds better. Wouldn't it be incredibly stupid if you sold your 350 for the 350.5 and it turns out that the vast majoity of people would prefer the 350 with your speakers in your room? It still leaves out the most important factor, YOUR EARS. Trust them.