Pass labs X-350 Love it or hate it

I want to know if anybody loves the x-350 power amp, I only read about people who love the newer models, Im kinda sick of hearing that, I have had my X 350 about 4 months now, I think it is as good if not better then anything out there today, I am using it with a wadia 850 direct into my martin logan monolith iii speakers, I am using nordost quattro fil i.c and transparent speaker wires with custom nordost spm for connection to crossover, what do you think.I have heard krell, I thought it too bright, I liked AR vt-200, sounded just like my pass.

Showing 1 response by gandme

I've owned a X-350 (after many others), it was a good solid amp I was in the minority who thought it was more musical than the X-250. I moved on to the XA-160s...very musical, (best amps I have owned), than back in time to Aleph 3s, 2nd best amps I've owned...or was it the Aleph 2 monos? (again after many others). It just depends on your system your room and your ears. It is hard to just enjoy the it not?