Pass labs to Odyssey audio mono's

Has any one had the chance to compare Pass labs X250.5 or X350.5 to the Odyssey audio Mono Extremes and if so what were the results?? I know there both great amps, just want to have difference in opinions..
Thanks for the help,

Showing 1 response by bemopti123

I was not impressed with an Odyssey amp I have heard. I think it was the tempest, the stereo version. Rather dark, masking details. Pass Labs gear has a totally different sound, some might call it more accurate, or in a negative sense, more analytical.

Depending on the application of both types of amps, I would go for something that is more controlled rather than dark. Large insensitive speakers are already colored and need control. Mixing dark and insensitive equipment might not be of your liking. At best, if money is an issue, you should consider purchasing the Monos used and if not of your liking, reselling. The Pass that you are considering are rather new and not many should be found second hand.

I would be hesitant in taking much advice at the Odyssey Audio forum. How will a group of owners talk about their own equipment and also having it discussed in their forum. Found many people who are writing in a manufacter's forum rather zealot about their own equipment.