Pass Labs or ARC for Wilson Sophia 2

What would you choose for the Sophia 2 - Pass Labs 60.5, Pass Labs 100.5 or ARC Ref 110? I currently have the 60.5 and run it straight from my DAC and definitely enjoy the sound, but many Wilson owners seem to prefer tubes. While not tubes, I'm also considering the 100.5 as they seem to have a reputation for being more tube-like than the 60.5.

Thanks for any advice.

Showing 1 response by tli

I have used ARC tube amp and Pass Labs class A amp to drive my Wilson Audio speakers. The Pass Labs class A amp is a better match.

ARC is nice but its reliability is not great and its control on bass is not as good as Pass Labs.

You should choose between a solid state and a tube pre amp to tune the sound to your preference.