Pass Labs INT-25 Integrated amp paired with Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers

Has anyone heard them paired together? I own the Harbeth 30.2 XD's and want to keep them. I'm seriously thinking about purchasing the INT-25 but I'm wondering if it can drive the 85db Harbeth's. My current set up is in a smaller bedroom with nearfield listening. Any thoughts are appreciated whether with personal experience with combo or not. Thanks!


Showing 3 responses by philsons

@routeman21 I’m interested in the same config. Did you choose the int-25 or went with something different?

@kennyc Hegel 390 is on my list as well as Luxman 590axii, both seems as interesting alternatives. Have you listened to any of them with 30.2?

@kennyc I’ve pretty much decided to look for a used pair of 30.2 XD in close future, just need to finish my current home renovation. I’m leaning for Luxman 590, but depends on what prices I can find second hand. Hegel 390 is a strong second candidate. 

Just curious, what kind of rigs you have 1st and 2nd ones?