Pass Labs INT-25 Integrated amp paired with Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers

Has anyone heard them paired together? I own the Harbeth 30.2 XD's and want to keep them. I'm seriously thinking about purchasing the INT-25 but I'm wondering if it can drive the 85db Harbeth's. My current set up is in a smaller bedroom with nearfield listening. Any thoughts are appreciated whether with personal experience with combo or not. Thanks!


Showing 1 response by akg_ca

Alan Shaw at HARBETH pontificates that his creations are all agnostic when it comes to integrated amp pairings. But he also speaks like John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness about cables also being a non-factor.

As an owner of the 30.2XD’s, I don’t drink ANY of his KoolAid …. ( and neither does my dealer ..,,), Rather quite the opposite, because they all have their bespoke sonic signatures, and that ethereal system synergy quest requires some experimentation.

But WTF, to each his own ,,,, Carry on!

INTEGRATED AMP OPTIONS - my bespoke choice

In my system, I have them paired with a REGA OSIRIS integrated amp and all CARDAS CLEAR cables / CARDAS CLEAR & GOLDEN REFERENCE power cords.

FWIW, The REGA OSIRIS is a beefy 162 wpc / 62 lb weight and very high current choice that is a terrific stablemate to the 30.2XD’s.

When I further upgraded the cables, it was a further step-up in dynamics, slam, and performance.

Highly recommended on both counts 


Some drive FORDs, and some drive CHEVYs. A large bevy of available high-current amp options will not disappoint with your XD’s . Shaw has created a fine product that is arguably the sweet spot in his model range.

When you are distilling out the integrated amp contenders from the pretenders, ignore the upfront power ratings at 8ohms and see what are the specs when the impedance drops to 4 ohms.

The “standard” marketing puffery pushes specifications that might say the output power is 100 watts RMS at 8 ohms. Notice the power output (100 watts) is at a specified load (8 ohms).

The above shows that for an ideal amp, halving the impedance doubles the power output if the power output nearly doubles, then you have a high current amp.